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China emergency begin influenza epidemic is also popular in other areas. The U.S. government on April 26 with domestic multi-state outbreak of swine flu appeared, citing the United States access to public health May 1 to 5 5 days leave the country temporarily suspending always public businesses and economic activities. World Health Organization announced on April 26, Mexico and the United States has been an outbreak of swine flu epidemic constitutes a ;, and three days after the second increase in the influenza pandemic advising system level (27, 4 from the three said, 29 and from the four mentioned in 5, and this system the highest level 6) .5 level advising level is the health sector to governments and published a marker that all countries should now begin immediately for a great outbreak of influenza answer arrange. our hospital as a health and medical creations in at 15:00 on April 30 the hospital held an crisis appointment to transfer urban levels of health government department documents and published an crisis hospital for people infected with A (H1N1) virus epidemic of swine influenza prevention and control measures and conditions. The following is I have received the city, district, hospital for people infected with three levels of A (H1N1) virus epidemic of swine influenza prevention and control of the document. Thus, we can see: April 30 in China, Six years antecedent, : Ministry of Health adult the A (H1N1) swine influenza virus appears opposition the outside of the country is unrealistic and self-prevention is especially important.
just learned: Hong Kong announced the first confirmed cases of Influenza A H1N1 influenza, Zhongguang Wang Beijing on May 1 AP (at 21:42 on May 1, 2009) Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government announced a prim nightfall, Hong Kong experienced the first cases of H1N1 confirmed cases of influenza, the patient is Mexican, April 30 by the afternoon of Eastern Airlines flight MU505 arriving from Mexico by path of Shanghai. while the patient is not out of the landing in Shanghai, but the width of stay is unknown. summarizing the SAR government has the World Health Organization, Ministry of Health and Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau. Hong Kong, with effect immediately level to handle with influenza prevention and control amounts.
benevolent medicine written in May 1, 2009
country A (H1N1) influenza virus eruptions in real period announce relevant
my log:
2008-04-21 | Memorial ; SARS Edition) pig deaths (mortality rate of pigs 1-4%). ​​human influenza viruses rarely infect pigs, but also found some human cases of swine flu, most have had direct contact with sick people .2009 3 month, Mexico and the United States has occurred of human infection with swine influenza virus, the influenza A virus, H1N1 subtype swine influenza virus tug, the tug contains the swine flu, avian flu and human influenza virus gene shreds, is a current type of swine influenza virus can infect one person. behind the swine flu influenza early clinical symptoms alike to a fever, cough, fatigue, poor desire, diarrhea or vomiting can be symptoms. the disease can rapidly progress sudden high fever, pneumonia, severe respiratory failure can happen, multiple organ abuse, guiding to necrosis.
1 swine influenza viruses are pathogenic
Orthomyxoviridae virus family (0rthomyxoviridae), influenza virus, (Influenza virusA ). Typical viral motes were spherical diameter of 80 nm ~ 120nm, with envelope. capsular membrane has numerous protrusions arranged radially glycoprotein, respectively, hemagglutinin HA, NA and M2 neuraminidase protein. viral particles among nuclear capsid, spiral symmetry, a diameter of 10nm. swine influenza virus negative-strand single-stranded RNA viruses, genome of almost 13.6kb, ranging from the size makeup of 8 divide segments. Despite the different subtypes can be fashioned between a diversity of influenza virus serotypes, yet can cause human infection with swine influenza virus serotypes are H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2.
Swine influenza viruses have enveloped virus, so the ether, chloroform, acetone and other organic solvents were Sensitive, 200mL / L ethyl ether by 4 ℃ overnight, virus infectivity was destroyed; to oxidant, halogen compounds, ponderous metals, ethanol and formaldehyde were likewise sensitive, 10 g / L potassium permanganate, 1 mL / L mercuric chloride treatment 3min, 750 mL / L ethanol, 5min, 1 mL / L iodine 5min, 1 mL / L hydrochloric sour 3min and 1mL / L formaldehyde 30min, can be inactivated swine influenza virus. swine influenza viruses are sensitive to heat, 56 ℃ condition, 30min to inactivate ; UV-sensitive, but with UV-inactivated virus of swine influenza virus can cause multiple resurrection.
Second, epidemiological
the United States in 1976, the so-called H1N1 subtype of swine influenza virus, the virus was isolated from the virus in pigs the same as the first confirmed under normal conditions, swine influenza virus can be transmitted to humans from pigs in the year 1999 in October, Hong Kong, a 10-month-old babe infected with swine influenza virus H3N2, now entirely retrieved. these years, bring ... to an endthe earth with different swine influenza virus strains reported, but no large-scale epidemic. Recently, parts of Mexico and the United States and other outbreaks of swine flu. World Health Organization, Mexico and the United States infections are subtype swine influenza virus H1N1, a strain of the same.
(a) source of infection.
primarily pigs and pigs carrying the virus, infection swine influenza virus were also shown to spread the virus. animals infected with the virus can be transmitted.
(b) transmission.
mainly for respiratory tract can also be transmitted through contact with infected pigs or their faeces, polluted surroundings or aerosols, etc. Some strains such as H1N1 can be spread from person to person, similar to its mode of transmission of influenza, usually through coughing or sneezing of infected persons.
(c) susceptible population.
generally susceptible. Most patients aged 25 to 45 annuals old, the current report are juvenile, aged and children should disburse consideration.
(d) high-risk groups.
in piglet industry, visited 1 week before the onset of pigs, and other locations of sale and massacre of those swine influenza virus infection and exposure to the substance for a high hazard of studio workers.
human infection with swine influenza constantly occurs in winter and spring pigs infected with swine flu generally occurs in summer and autumn.
III clinical
incubation time is commonly 1-7 days or so, more influenza, avian flu a long incubation time.
(a) clinical omens.
people Early after the swine flu symptoms similar to ordinary flu, including fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue, and some also suffered from diarrhea or vomiting, muscle pain or fatigue, red eyes and so on.
some patients can progress rapidly, savage, sudden high fever, body temperature over 39 ℃, and even secondary to severe pneumonia, acute respiratory trouble syndrome, pulmonary hemorrhage, pleural effusion, pancytopenia, renal failure, sepsis, shock and Reye syndrome, respiratory failure and multiple organ damage, leading to death.
(b) of the signs.
often not obvious pulmonary signs, some patients could be heard and wet rales or signs of pulmonary consolidation, etc. .
(c) prognosis.
prognosis of human infection with swine influenza virus subtype infection is narrated to most of the good prognosis; needy prognosis infected with H1N1, the mortality is about 6%.
(d ) laboratory.
1. Peripheral blood: WBC count is generally not high alternatively lower. caustic cases extra than a rebate of leukocytes and lymphocytes, and platelets;
2. serological diagnosis: can the use of oblique ELISA , antigen capture ELISA, fluorescence immunoassay, etc.;
3. reverse transcription - polymerase necklace response (RT-PCR): the PCR technique is simple, rapid, sensitive, characteristic specifics, have been used to swine influenza Detection of viral genes and molecular epidemiological inquiry;
4. Virus Isolation: Respiratory specimens from patients (throat swab,shanghai escort, oral wash, nasopharyngeal or tracheal aspirate, sputum or lung tissue) was secluded swine influenza virus. commonly used method has egg inoculation method and cell culture. existing diagnostic methods, virus isolation method is more perceptive, but takes 2-3 weeks.
(e) chest imaging.
Merge apparent lung pneumonia sheet images. severe cases a wide range of sheet images.
IV diagnosis of human infection with swine influenza
diagnosis with epidemiological history, clinical declarations and pathology inspection, clinical ashore the early finding, early diagnosis is the key to dispose.
(a) of the human infection with swine influenza diagnostic criteria.
1. medical detection cases: visited swine flu epidemic, or pigs, and swine flu history of close contact, within 1 week of clinical manifestations were flu. classified as cases of medical observation and those of their medical observation for 7 days (according to the disease can be isolated at family or hospital).
2. suspected cases: visited pestilence district, or with pigs and pig history of close adjoin with influenza patients (epidemiological history can also be unknown), 1 week clinical manifestations of influenza, respiratory secretions, pharyngeal attempt son, sputum, serum H subtypes of HIV-positive or nucleic acid testing affirmative.
3. clinically analyzed cases: the diagnosis of suspected cases, and their common history of exposure were confirmed cases were diagnosed.
4. confirmed cases: from respiratory tract specimens or serum isolation to a specific virus; RT-PCR on the specimens, the subsistence of swine influenza virus RNA, confirmed by sequencing, or two 4-fold increase in serum antibody titers can be confirmed human infection with swine influenza.
(b) of the human infection Differential diagnosis of swine influenza.
should be eminent namely human infection with swine influenza and influenza, avian flu, the flu, pneumonia, SARS, catching mononucleosis syndrome, cytomegalovirus infection, Legionella pneumonia, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma Identification of pneumonia.
five treatment
(a) symptomatic and supportive.
patients with suspected and confirmed place should be treated in isolation, emphasizing early treatment.
of human infection with swine influenza present, is a comprehensive symptomatic and supportive treatment. pay attention to repose, more water, pay attention to nourishment, close observation of patient's condition; the early onset of 48 hours is the best treatment for high fever, clinical symptoms, should take chest xray, blood gas check.
(b) narcotic treatment.
1. antiviral therapy: early application of antiviral drugs should be the trial of oseltamivir (oseltamivir Tamiflu). Tamiflu is a neuraminidase inhibitor, on prohibition of swine influenza virus may have effects, dose 75mg / d, 5 days treatment, kid with remind. from the United States recently infected with swine influenza virus isolated from the virus, oseltamivir and zanamivir (zanamivir) is sensitive to amantadine and rimantadine resistance.
2. Antibiotics: Bacterial infection can occur, such as the use of antibiotics.
(c) TCM treatment.
1. toxin attack lung health.
symptoms: fever, nausea cold, sore larynx, headache, muscle pains, cough.
Governing Law: detoxification, Xuanfei via malign.
reference Recipe: Roasted Ephedra, almond, gypsum, Bupleurum, Scutellaria, Arctium, Notopterygium, raw licorice.
commonly secondhand Chinese medicine: Lotus Qingwen Capsule, silver, yellow class arrangements, Shuanghuanglian spoken preparations.
2. drug traffickers lung and stomach.
symptoms: fever, or chills, nausea, spewing, abdominal ache, diarrhea , pate and body, muscle aches.
Governing Law: detoxification, and the dampness.
reference Recipe: puerarin, baicalin, berberine, the herb, Agastache rugosa, Jiang Ban Xia, wise, Magnolia.
prevalent Chinese medicine: Gegenqinlian pellets Ageratum proxies and other.
3. toxin obstruct gas business.
symptoms: lofty fever, coughing,shanghai escort, breast tightness, suffocation, breathlessness and shortness of expiration, irritability, delirium Shenhun fraudulent claims.
Governing Law: explicit wind chilly camp.
reference Recipe: Roasted Ephedra, almond, Trichosanthes, rhubarb, gypsum, ruddy peony, buffalo trumpet.
Angongniuhuang used when required, and Phlegm Qing Xuebijing, Qingkailing, such XNJI.
six, prevention
(a) 控制传染源.
behave human and swine influenza surveillance. Once or pigs other beasts infected with swine influenza virus, should be in agreement with the pig harvest, had a stall selling meat ailment, the patient unit, kin, disinfection, even now by App and other garbage should be swiftly destroyed or buried; acknowledged to the clinic and defense patients at avian flu,toronto escorts, SARS standards good solitude disinfection; specimen cases of pneumonia of unknown reasons in consensus with the requirements of shipping and handling.
(c) to protect healthy people.
amplify good private hygiene, adequate sleep, hard discipline, reduce stress, adequate nutrition ; shirk contact with flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, runny nostril, etc.) or pneumonia and other respiratory patients; attention to personal hygiene, wash hands frequently with soap and water, especially after coughing or sneezing; avert contact with pigs or pig to have a place; Avoid crowded places; with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, cover jaws and neb, and then tissue periodical trash; such as influenza-like symptoms outside (fever, cough,guangzhou escort, runny nose, etc.), should immediately quest medical treatment (medical treatment should be worn masks), to the local public health agencies and description of inspection and quarantine divisions.
(d) strengthen the hospital infection control measures.
patients with suspected or confirmed patients were isolated and dress a surgical mask; remedial staff to do private conservation strengthen the hand hygiene, use of hand disinfectants for hand disinfection quickly; fever clinics and Infectious Diseases, and other key sectors of the medical staff should wear a surgical mask, if I were you, wear goggles or protective masks; of fever clinics and Infectious Diseases, etc. indoor ventilation prerogative sectors should be strengthened.
swine flu vaccine: At present, merely the swine flu vaccine because pigs, no specifically for humans. to the present position, the mediocre person flu vaccine to discourage swine flu not meaningful effect.
with: World Health Organization between the infection, but there were no reports of human infections.
Level 2: an animal influenza virus known to cause infection in humans,----- HALLOWEEN Halloween night, is watched as a potential pandemic menace.
Level 3: There is an animal influenza virus or animal and human influenza caused by recombinant virus or small-scale sporadic human infection, but this is not enough between folk caused by community-acquired infection.
Level 4: animals and animal influenza virus or recombinant virus caused human influenza spread from person to person, experienced of causing community infections. surging pandemic risk. The level is to control the spread of the virus.
Level 5: person to person spread of infection in the same area to at least two countries. strongly suggests that about a pandemic.
level 6: the pandemic level. from person to person displacement of the virus, at least in the same geographical spread in both countries, and spread to different country in the same area of ​​a geographical spread of at fewest 2 and spread to another country in the same area.

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since we repent

In modern periods, there are many natural ecological environment, it is also where the environment can be shrieked a natural. Huangshan Mountain, Mountain, Emei Mountain ...... is so fascinating. Misty, green trees verdant pines rocks ...... ah! how natural,shanghai massage, these are the predecessors left us, so we should treasure it. But not only do not amount human m, but also to destroy it.
In Germany, there namely a woods service officer, had equitable imagined bureau ashore the first day beneath the one command: the woods chopped down the bush, and the hoe weeds are also neat, even the leaves are also let off the floor ...... eventually cleaning up the jungle. forester quite satisfied behind seeing, from that the authority had a great service. yet he did not calculate his own ancestry apt the disaster m patch of forest was full of life he thinks of the beasts scamper away, departing a lonely tree.
few days afterward, the leaves on the trees off a lot, and many of the insects in the trees dining the trees.
Finally, trees fell, and even insects have been eroded, are also raging sandstorm blew in..
results when Forest Service officials to go look his He really will be a vibrant forest into a desert!
the day after, the Forest Service officer faded, and his subordinates to ascertain him all day, but I could not find him ......< br> Perhaps he yet knew a fault, have the center to repent. But modern people to apology, to mood, always said that it would be to turn over.
since we regret, we should start from small things around: merely one per person per year tree, save every piece of paper,beijing massage, saving every drip of water, saving each unit of electricity ...... perhaps we view these are very simple, but whether we entire do, then the environment nigh us ambition better!
most importantly, person creatures should be to maintain ecological balance, not to impair small animals around, whether he is beneficial or disadvantageous to humans, we should to defend them. like Virgin Eva said: Finally, with the people World War, was migrated to help them defeat the human creatures. It all tells us that to protect the environment, they should first work to inspect the natural laws.
catch on the environment, protect our common home, follow around Nature Rules!
who started educate 11 classes Cao Ying
I live in Wuhu, one in the Yangtze River, with mountains in the beautiful city. for the city I live, I think there are many absence consideration and correction.
love trees: issues such as urban arranging, Wuhu city, many of the age area are carrying out the demolition go to arrange. It was originally a good thing,shanghai massage, but many of the demolition unit in the demolition, but also deduct from in the area where trees a few years of life. I think the development of the city away to destroy the environment, this reach is not desirable. Therefore, I intend a few suggestions: in the demolition, you can clear the trees; after the removal of trees on the ground if there affected, then its removal is not can not talk but reserve it as a new residential green part? This will not only protect the environment, but also for developers to save a sum of the prices for afforestation, do either,shenzhen escort, why not is it?
air pollution: With the rapid evolution of the city, build up folk are choosing voyage at private automobile. However, the number of personal cars also means the exhaust emissions into the wind build up meager air quality will be more. For this phenomenon, I think we can reduce the frequency of use of private cars, shorter distance tin not open private cars and switch to public transportation alternatively hike to instantly.
water Pollution: Water is the blood of the earth, is a human fountain of life. the water tending all things, without water, humans will not survive. but in recent years have scatter along a variety of events on water pollution. Wuhu is located in the Yangtze River River, the problem of water pollution should be concerned about than many cities. but there are some problems that necessitate attention: In the suburbs of Wuhu, there are many small factories, most of these plants are built along to Jiang, a factory direct unload of industrial waste water discharge into the Yangtze River has seriously affected the water quality beside,sea lions arithmetic enumeration - yet, and was tough to Organic Chemicals to purify contaminated water, drinking water safety and human health is threatened. I think for this plant once identified, will be punished severely. and to reduce the Yangtze River near the number of factories, and aspire to prevent such incidents from occurring another, to protect the prevalent human resources mm of water.
protection of the environment is the common duty of all mankind, only each person in action, community will be better!
11 classes Gechen Wen
first day

2004 年 remedy the Earth

(April 22) Earth Day mm Please treat our earth!

Origin of Earth Day Earth Day originated in the United States. 1969, Democratic Senator Gaylord? Nelson recommended that in the United States every held ashore college workshops ashore environmental issues, and the emulating year ashore April 22 as throughout the United States fired a large-scale community-based activities, characteristic motifs, and get ardent advocate of numerous young students. April 22,beijing escort, 1970, the United States held the premier large participants, then known as the United States since World War II, the largest social activities.
1990 年 4 22, more than 140 countries around the world, 2 billion people around the same period held a kind of promotional activities, subject is how to enhance the overall global environment. The international problem. The activities of the United Nations permission, afterward which the 22 April each year was identified as the freshwater resources,shanghai escort, pollution and so on. According to UN diagrams released show that the 20th century, 90 years of global woods district at one mean yearly 2.4 percentage rate hack the elapse 10 years, the global disappearance of absolute woods place of ​​9,400 hectares. At present nearly half land surface and 10, one of more than a billion human affected by desertification. in climate pollution, from 1965 to 1998, global carbon dioxide emissions doubled. the world namely facing a water emergency in many countries: 12 million human with water shortages 30 billion people lack water sanitation facilities each year 3000000-400 million people die of water-related diseases. By 2025, the water emergency ambition scatter to 48 countries, 35 million are trapped in the water.
Earth Day will be held to raise human caring for the earth, protect the matherland awareness, subserve the coordinated development of resource development and environmental protection. the age of 90 from the 20th century, the annual April 22 Earth Day celebrations are held.
previous Earth Day theme
1974 Only One Earth
1975 years of human living
1976 Water: Vital Resource as Life
1977 年 concerned almost ozone exhaustion, wastage of water with disabilities, taint degradation and deforestation < br> 1978 years without mar to the development of
1979 Future for Our Children?? Without Destruction
1980 the fashionable 10-year, current challenges?? no undermine the development of
1981 Protection of groundwater and person edible fetter; Toxic Chemicals
1982 memorial the 10th anniversary of the Stockholm Conference on Human Environment?? to raise environmental awareness
1983 years of management and disposal of hazardous consume; Acid Rain and Energy
1984 年Desertification
1985, Young,shanghai massage, population, surroundings
1986 peace
1987 on Environment and the Environmental Protection
1988 and living environment, sustainable development,shanghai massage, public participation
1989 年 Global Warming !
1990 Children and the Environment
1991 Climate Change?? requires global cooperation
1992 Only One Earth??, Care and Share
1993 Poverty and the Environment?? Breaking the Vicious Circle < br> 1994 One Earth One Family
1995 We the People United for a better globe
1996 Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home
1997 Life on Earth
For 1998, Life on Earth?? Save Our Seas
1999 Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our
2000 2000 The Environment Millennium?? to Act!
2001 the World Wide Web of Life < br> 2002 年 Give Earth a Chance
2003 年 treat the earth, defend the environment
2004 年 treat the Earth,so we probably know, the scientific development
2005 年 treat the Earth - the technological development and agreeable
2006 年 treat the Earth - - merit of resources, sustainable evolution
2007 年 gentle with the earth - beginning from the conservation of resources
2008 年 treat the earth?? from the side of the tiny entities
2009 on 40 Earth Day theme:

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Autumn breeze
6 月 6 (on) (2009-06-29 11:37:25)
Tags: blaze mountain abandon to sleep their course Irtysh River Tourism Category: Text
mood today still must activity early, for the road to arrest the day, this ought be sorted to visit by least since Xinjiang, merely it is the maximum difficult day, from 8 am until 5 pm and extra, about all sitting in the car. the car has been Junggar Basin in the vast Mercedes-Benz, road namely very smooth, very straight, very few cars on the road. street are generally flat land, some locations and some vegetation, and in some places to bare. because there is not shelter, emotion 1 can see a dozen kilometers to work. vistas, blue sky and the globe seems to have been in the distance phase, and namely consciousness of endless metropolis of those of us alive in the infinite sigh of life. Remember what is the horizon it? Here you tin see real.
as they have their way, the road has no smudges, so very little photo shoot. After Bor Tongut desert brim, and eventually see the real desert, but only one subparagraph; through a place shrieked Fire Mountain, where the earth burned red, favor really favor; also passing through a large wildlife sanctuary, said Xiao Yang and small land formerly seen the savage horses, Mongolian gazelle and additional wild animals So my husband and I gazed at either side to side of the road carefully, I wish so fortunate to see some animals. Alas, the road in addition to stocking some of the livestock and sheep herders, naught to see. It is said that a few annuals ago There have been a road while the nag killed at a car entity, it is time to bring the animals to go farther from the road. Though not able to do so, but the thought of animals can be better defended, and we are amused, at the end of the day, brutal horses are very infrequent animals, a compassion whether the abrupt repeatedly.
casually in a small town at midday we were eating noodles, good taste, volume feet. After dinner quickly continued on our way, we trapped upside down, the small land has forever insisted on the steer. in Xinjiang this place when the driver really hard, sparsely populated, all the way prefer humdrum scenery, paired with traffic and very good, very tired but also very simple to drowsy driving, drivers have to retain a lofty alert. on the way back to Urumqi, we see a car chance, 2 large trailer rear-end collision, the squeeze afterward the cab of the car flat, the floor covered with a white man,toronto escorts, who estimates are drastic taxi Dorje less, and behind the car event because the driver is definitely a sleep. so little land we have been proposed in the side of the road if the storm had stopped blind for a while, but my husband and I have been to reserve a person {awake|wake up} to sleep state to variant. 'd squint one large throne for a while to feel, in her own words is too much for luncheon, so I love slumberous, and the small land spirit of the first good, the way we do not have a destroy.
p.m., the scenery outdoor the window a delicate alteration in the distance there was a river, Xiao Yang said that the Irtysh, is the only river into the Arctic Ocean. to see the river, our destination for today Burqin County,shanghai massage, not far mm . move by the river, and she soon went to the shire. I did not expect such a beautiful tiny town, a look that is new, the overall neatness of the Han. streets straight, neat, very few pedestrians on the street, road side, to hotels and cafeterias mostly, very trim, typical passenger metropolis, it is estimated there both Kanas, there would be such a pretty mini town of. but we did not get off, but via the city,shanghai massage, go today, the first and mm only colorful attractions beach.
6 月 6 (next) (2009-06-29 12:35:00)
Tags: Stone Creek Tree Color county mosquito Tourism Category: Text
from the heart to the colorful beach town on the way to go in truth beautiful, blue sky and smokes streaming beneath the Irtysh River meandering, river birch and a high expanse of wetlands, the sparkling waters of the wind,Snow crab, swinging plants dancing, rushing sound of the leaves,guangzhou escort, wild flowers everywhere unknown, occasional birds fly, as well as the eagle circled and looked up one day more enjoyable than the desert.
colorful coast town only 20 from the Burqin km, driving speedily up. at the gate do not see anything special, whatsoever, go in front of the loveliness we were stunned. First, the eye is a large bare rock is a big assorted colors, light ruddy, light lavender, light yellow, light green, light dark, as was done gushing draw a painting, very active and irregular. These rocks fashion a small mound or small patches of gully, ups and downs, patchwork, which is typical of Ya Dan outlook, and said stone opposition the backdrop, Daorang I think she is showing a bi blue. and along the river is an oasis of fruitful dense forests, and distant off is the desert, some more distant mountains looming. How strange! side of the river a bunch of barren rocks of alter colors, there are trees Yin Yin, Mother Nature had compliment folk too!
pretty! find anywhere the United States. We were both taken away at the machine, only hoped he could have better rill view angle lens in the same income. There is a bridge on the creek, stood some excellent pictures, but that bridge is out in the area, observers can no final, said that this is secondhand to shepherd a conversion. < br> It is said that the scenery here at sunset is the most charming, but unfortunately the sun at 11 o'clock at least, we can not await that late. transferred nearly an hour, we reluctantly out of the area.
returned to the county, the small Lu Jieshao We went to a Sichuan restaurant to eat dinner. very savory trays, the price is not expensive. After dinner we went to the hostel mm Friendship Peak Hotel. was especially want to say the motel name, only because it is a motel Burqin outstanding, but also because the name makes sense, friendship is the pinnacle of a mountain on the siteline between China and Russia, in Burqin territory, from the Kanas scenic area near to the White Haba there is also a famous scenic spots.
into the apartment I was engaged rinsing clothes and bathing, when holding the camera out of shooting her husband the night went Burqin. an hour later, the sun should be downhill, and the window of the sundown The really beautiful, and massive gorgeous sunset. her husband also came behind, he took some pleasing pictures, but too brought him a cluster of huge packs. My husband says I have been mosquitoes out! those mosquitoes really worse, the mosquitoes fell above somewhere, you Shuaishuai arm touch of leg it flew away, where the mosquito is left to how you shake, it is die, do not bite the mouth scattering! that pose alternatively you'll definitely It slew, or it'll bite you dead! consider of the way and the small land Xiao Yang mentioned, because next to the Irtysh River, Burqin the mosquito is a label of a big, powerful, three mosquitoes a panel of fried enough! definitely wading in the streets dress long-sleeved jeans for the job for her husband went out such a short wear, but to the mosquito foot off the addiction!
escape always daytime lair in the motorcar, actually weary. a nice nap, morrow ambition be able to watch the legendary Kanas was!

he said

I will promptly provide you the relevant Latin American political, economic, social, diplomatic and cultural latest trends. Welcome your valuable comments and reproofs. Like additional Web site or personal blog to reprint my blog post, please denote the source and authors. Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Latin American Research Professor LATIN
Bolivian President Evo Morales held in December to stop climate change summit in Cancun,
2010 年 5 23, the just-concluded visit to Europe Bolivian President Evo Morales namely scheduled to stop meeting in December climate change summit in Cancun, Mexico, because he panicked the Cancun summit in association with the Copenhagen summit, will no have any results. He said: hope, the state and the UN will lose credibility in front of the world. he advocated talk with the social movements,shanghai massage, social manoeuvre to argue the United States, China and India, the need for implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, and he also inquired to address climate change,shanghai massage, held a election over the world, the establishment of punitive abuse to the environment of international climate crimes court.
5 27, accused the Government of Bolivia in December will be held in Cancun, Mexico, the United Nations summit on weather alteration in an attempt to bypass held in Cochabamba, Bolivia, the 1st the human of the world's air alteration summit conclusions.
this year April 20 to 22, in the province of Cochabamba, Bolivia,I have numerous times apt inquire themselves. Chyi Yu constantly meditation of in the center of the,shanghai escort, Dijipaya City (opening ceremony) and the city of Cochabamba (closing ceremony) held its first People's World Summit on climate change. to participate in this conference from 142 countries on five continents approximately the world non-governmental environmental organizations and other non-governmental unions for well as official representatives of more than 40 countries a absolute of 35,000 people. invited to participate in this The meeting was Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, Cuban State Council Vice-Chairman of the governors of the wire and some other countries.
host, Bolivian President Evo Morales by the beginning rite, accentuated that global climate change effectively by industrialized countries reasoned by irrational development. He cried in Mexico the end of this year's United Nations Climate Change Conference held in gratitude and adore for the resolutions made by the conference. The participants were divided into 18 working groups to discuss the climate issue and make a sequence of resolutions. The United Nations Latin USA and the Caribbean Economic Commission Executive Secretary Alicia? Bar Seine was read by the opening ceremony of the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's letter to the General Assembly.
4 月 22 日 exactly is the . Bolivian President Evo Morales in his closing statement, asked the United Nations, international agencies and industrial countries ought hear to the voices of people of the world, he thought it was a historic meeting. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said in a lecture at the closing ceremony,beijing massage, ; this emergency is not merely a climate emergency, merely the global crisis of capitalism, including the ecological, political, economic and moral, therefore, the true path out of chaos is to proceed the implementation of communism in Latin America and the Caribbean, The real way out is socialism survive. He also ironic Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, is an outright failure of a General Assembly, held in Bolivia and the Queensland will not allow the summit to tax so-called summit.
resolution adopted by the meeting namely the peoples of the earth requires developed countries to repay debt owed to Mother Earth, and and disburse the cost to the surroundings; requirements of amplified countries committed to reduce noxious gas emissions targets. In people of the earth climate change session finished, the United Nations said on behalf of the United Nations acknowledged Yuriko Yosukawa Cochabamba, in Bolivia the people of the climate summit in the closing concert. Yuriko in the reception statement said namely in the hereafter will be the United Nations General Assembly convened read and describes the concert, he said, Cochabamba, Bolivia, made the agreement will be submitted in December, held in Cancun, Mexico to argue the United Nations climate summit.
However, fewer than a month, <br

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A letter from Mother Earth
children :
Hello, I am your real mother, the Earth m ah ! Why are you moving backwards ? is the appearance you prop anything opposition me immediately ? people ah! you dissatisfy me so These scars are all namely you personally create , ah !
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hope you adore me extra
your mother : Earth
XXXX years XX XX

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Earth does not control, 2012 is unavoidable! [Reprinted] turn: monk said not end in 2012, the awakening in the purification of person transfer: recluse said not bring ... to an end 2012, in the purification of human awakening and enhance the Earth will still be beautiful ly0423love ly0423love experts say once in a centenary or convert extreme weather once in 20 years (Photo) [Reserved] 2010, Collection 2010, universal disaster global disaster Collection [Reserved] summary of the spiritual animation (recommended) spiritual animation Summary (recommended) Cangseng away save the earth for immortal force in 2012 [ ,],[Card [reprint] the call of your heart awakening ... U.S. officials said before the foreigners in 2011 by UFO to visit earth Sina BLOG response message embark About Sina SINA English

and immediately mankind has recognized his blunder

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Review lesson plans in the test catalogue
total accumulation and use of the 1st part of the character

words (phrase) and the use of punctuation

wrong sentences (text) changes
reduced sentence, extended sentences, memorizing outstanding sham of sentence

scholastic knowledge and cultural knowledge of Chinese and foreign famous

spoken communication way to information and present events

Photo 23 hours of comprehensive learn and reconnaissance of the second part of modern culture

read relation portrayal of the text read

argumentative essays to read the first 34,35
novel class of modern reading
The third part of the classic poetry reading

classical classical classical function words
classical translation
reading level Reading
writing articles in the four-part test composition
all proposals outlined

materials and semi-thesis writing topics writing writing

topics essay writing scores in the test substance

integrated (analog) Exercise
aggregate review in the test language lesson maneuvers
first and second class voice
one review points
junior lofty school students test center of
through three years of junior high school students to learn, should be able to confirm the reading is around 3,500 commonly used words in the pronunciation. Students should understand the br> In recent years, in the test from the point of view, voice, test papers on the front of the general, often the first question, test scores are often two to four. have adopted the form of options, so that students have accepted the phonetic form. with two-syllable word or phrase to examine the focus. examine the number of more than one pronunciation is often easy to misread and the common life of common pronunciation of the word.
in recent years in both exams, also often read examine the question of the pronunciation of Chinese characters, asking them to determine the number according to context and focus of pronunciation pronunciation of the word.
Note Guide
language syllabus has been made to our specific requirements, students should be instructing the basis, almost 3,500 commonly used words to master pronunciation. At the same time to understand some of the phonetic sense. Voice review, focusing on a solid review. students when the review to understand the following phonetic content.
1, mastering melodious 21 consonants and vowels
: bpmfdtnlgkhjqx zh ch sh rzcs
21 finals: (unattached finals 7) aoeiuu er
(compound final 6) ai ei ao ou ie ue
(nasal vowels 8) an en in un ang eng ing ong
2, four tones of the exact position of calibration standard tuning tone pentatonic :, parallel criterion in the post, without saying a single vowel. jacket (pi'ǎo).
3, spelling rules spelling essentials
Note: i separate into syllables when preceded by y, such as clothing (yi). u line finals,shanghai massage, when the mama in front of the silent, the u written w, such as Wu (wu). u line finals, silent in front of the mother should be additional y, u on the two omitted, rain (yu); u-line rhymes with j, q, x juxtaposition, omit u two points, such as home (ju), to (qu), need (xu), and n, l juxtaposition, two points can not be omitted, such as women (nu), Lu (lu).
chief and ligatures: labels, area names and other proper names of the first capital letter; the first letter of every word capitalized also. Chinese spelling, according to the word write continuously, to divide between words to write.
written babies finals er, when used as a coda written in r. For example: , ui, un. such niu (bull), gui (return), lun (s).
bpmfw only and the can be spelled The intention is to lest misconstruing.
main causes of misunderstanding:
① polyphone misread. used in the two words sound more than three hundred words, to understand these words in different meanings in different contexts ;
② Phonogram misread. Phonogram's determine the pronunciation, and they change in some initials. If we do not pay attention to these changes, still in agreement with the
5, to react to voice this off to the caring people do live and learn.
(1) Note that the usual accumulation. should be based on truce, based on lessons learned in each one, read every treatise article. they do not know the word or not sure the correct pronunciation of the word, to dictionaries. Over time, misread the situation would be greatly diluted.
(2) coalition of regular inspections. In order to prevent the forgotten, as some confusing The pronunciation, in particular attention. to pass a definite sum of exercise to consolidate, but also via common checks among the students together to improve.
(3) improve the effectiveness review. word separated from the word pronunciation learning is inseparable from the specific word environment. make pronunciation, meaning and use of words such as organic were reviewed together.
Second,since archaic called There's true, the test typical example
1, the following appended incorrect pronunciation of the scarlet letter A is (C)
A. portly (zhī) dry (he) feel good (yi)
B. burly (wu) brewing (niang) no news (yǎo)
C. Lake (bo) Harmony (xie) he dried me Ying (jie)
D. ragged (lǚ) against the (wei) vocal (ji)
Analysis: The main test problem more common pronunciation of sounds. C entrance in the > B. strings (xian) rags (lǚ) dance (zai)
C. Exchange (dui) treatment (chu) mirth (hōng)
D. swaying (ye) Villa (shu) event performance (xuān)
Analysis: The main question examined the rules of Hanyu Pinyin, common words (including multi-tone word) pronunciation. A term of rules. C entry in the sound. D items in the ____ xiao ____ (2) trees standing ____ sǒng __
Analysis: This publish, the main test used the pronunciation of the word. ;, the students used to be able to multi-tone discrimination that the pronunciation of the word. is (B)
A. flower (zhan) symmetry (cheng) long dark submerged AIDS (qian)
B. chariness (zhēn) aggressions (xi) the afflict of deep malign ailment (wu)
C. exterior (mo) teachings (hui) disdain Zhibian (xie)
D. beware (ti) compensation (chang) inaccessible (hǎn)
Analysis: This problem is mainly multi-tone test common pronunciation of the word. A key in the ; beware ) do not eat handout, showing the bravery of the Chinese people. sigh __ jiē__
(2) synthesis of these food factories, most of them used to form the body and cached in seeds or roots, tubers. receptacle __ zhu___ < br> Analysis: the word is general in life, but error-prone students. > 6, increase the emulating words affirmed the same scarlet letter A is (A)
A. savored Banished to Baling B. stopped working staggering labor encrusted stars
C. D. worrying aboveboard blink
Analysis: examine the shape of the problem approximate the chief characters, the pronunciation of homophones. A key word in both reading zhe, B term ; read chēng, First, the test hub of
simple shape of the word, to understand the meaning of common words in the multi-tone multi-words in the different pronunciation and meaning, while asking them to write Chinese characters stroke remove, correct shape, standard.
test from the point of view in recent years, Chinese test test generally placed behind the voice, or combine with voice problems, test scores are often two to 4. some use select the form of some use to students writing Chinese characters according to phonetic form. examine the content is in the textbooks appear, often common and error-prone words. In increase, students should also know Chinese characters structure, control of common words in the order of strokes, stroke, inquiry Phonogram of voices and forms next to the proficient use of Chinese language books, learn the Ministry of Searching the first decree and sequencers.
test for Chinese characters is not restricted to multiple choice or fill-in questions in reading, they often test students understanding of the characters.
Second, the pro forma guidance
students in their review while the substances should be based on the characters by the accumulation of course. the converge of each lesson there words are listed here. for multi-tone multi-meaning words, ought be competent to relying on environment, character and Analysis precise pronunciation and meaning. For the shape of the word, disburse attention to the use of comparable means, Analysis of the inconsistency between them.
(a) correct path apt discourage typos
1. next to discriminate shape, pay attention to pronunciation. such as ; the rest are from the points, or drawing called strokes.
There are eight basic strokes characters, namely: point, horizontal, vertical, left, press down, nail, folding,toronto escorts, say. Each stroke has written one or distortion.
When writing the series of strokes, called strokes. common stroke retinue 8 rules:
the first left and right, such as ; etc.;
first following, such as ;,beijing massage, justice proper search in our dictionary, dictionary, writing adviser, but also to write the font neat appearance, improve the writing speed.
(c) Phonogram Phonogram
consists of two parts, part of the meaning of that word, and the other part of the pronunciation of that word. that part of the meaning of words is called shape next to the part that sounds pronunciation side.
shape next to the main methods of harmony with the six next.
right-left-shaped sound: Partial Copper nitrate levy refrigerate City right-left-shaped sound: attack strength slit scoop it under the feminine voice on the form: Dad Fang Ya sector treatment under the cream-shaped Shangsheng: Chi Gong rage stool lotion ax shape of sound: solid valve disease within the park wrapped heartfelt shaped outer sound: listening, asking boring argue (d) the shape of the word, homophone, multi-tone multi-meaning words
form some words are alike, wrong is not simple to distinguish carefully, with the fault. For instance, the ; marginal amount of a painting seriously writing. but also in the accumulation of vocabulary in the meantime, identify the shape of the word.
the same pronunciation of some words, called homonyms of these words, for instance, ; Such words have to start from the meaning of words, remember the time when the sound What does it mean, then read What does it mean variant sound. For example: svelte, with the In the 1.
sequencer Searching Act pronunciation of a word if you know, want to check the meaning of the word, you can use the word Act sequencer seized.
such investigations, ; Jin ; Jin inquiry is the word ) and so marked. more than one meaning of a word to use ① ② ③ so that there are several significant.
cited in the notes, Yu, transfer, and even symbols, the words.
(f) the correct shape memorizing Chinese characters should note the following:
(1) master fashion of Chinese temperaments to rely on over period, usually read paperbacks and weeklies, seeing television have to do caring people meet do not know alternatively no sure of the word, must no accessible let work, to be floor up in the lexicon, the accumulation of extra, less ambition go erroneous.
(2) a character on a glyph with its medley of sound and meaning memorizing, so much easier to master than the rote, memorize to secure.
First, to understand the basic characteristics of Chinese characters. sound form and meaning unity is the basic characteristics of Chinese characters. Starting from the correspondence between the three according to the modern pronunciation and meaning of Chinese characters correctly identify its shape.
Second, to understand the structural characteristics of modern Chinese, modern Chinese characters, according to more than 85% of phonetic characters, in common, phonetic phonetic,-shaped side ideographic, it can be distinguished by shape next.
Third, to understand the causes of typos: ① the sounds sound the same or cause the peccadillo. ② shaped almost caused the error. ③ shaped approximately causing misreading the sounds. ④ unknown idioms allusions causing the error.
Fourth, we must master the method of identifying typos, spelling understand the causes, can, through the pronunciation, to identify the shape and significance.
voice test in recent years, Chinese heading greater focus on practical applying, closer to life. as to the character in a specific phonetic context, according to phonetic writing of Chinese characters, to correct typos. materials and more drawn in newspapers, journals, audio test students in practice, knowledge of Chinese language .
Third, simulation exercises
the fifth and sixth class words (phrase) and the use of
one of
test center exams in recent years, for the words of the test, the main emphasis on understanding the words in the meaning of specific language context, nail the specific words in the emotional language of the environment, and to be able to use the correct words in the language environment.
examined in terms of the comprehensive examinations, often a phrase or two syllables. score often In four to six points. For the words of the test, can be carried out in the basic perception of the language can also be carried out in reading.
words are the root for us to learn the language. In prose them, we will use the same words. word master good or wrong, also instantly related to the level of writing.
Second, the pro forma guidance
for memorizing words, students should be as many as likely on the basis of the understanding of the text to try to figure out and understand the meaning of words. Students should brief the material in every one of the key words appear in the text. To review the terms of the time, pay attention to the following appearances.
three review points
1, master of words commonly used in written texts ;
2, the major words to understand the meaning in contexts, and can be diagramed out according to context,beijing escort, understand words of metaphors, extended meaning;
3, according to context absence to choose the right words, and can Context Analysis based on word (or phrase) the use of correct and erroneous;
4, according to context of accurate, appropriate and consistent use of words (or idioms);
5, according to context associated with the use of the word correctly.
(a) the correct understanding of word meaning
a single meaning and paradox of the points. a single word with most asset in the name of that word, terminology, foreign words and new coinages. a large number of Chinese words are polysemous.
Those who expressed a variety of interrelated differ meaning of words is called polysemy. more than one word with either its meanings of the number, of which there must be one is the aboriginal meaning, the other meaning is from the incipient meaning of evolution and change from. significance of development and changes in the way of 2 Species: stretched and metaphorical.
extended meaning is the original meaning of the word evolution of the meaning generated, so extended in the sense of judge and all but the original meaning of a daytime is very superficial); the motif was pale in color (light blue). to remember the original meaning of the learning process, learn to extend.
the basic meaning of metaphors is the metaphor through the use of gradually fixed in the fashionable sense. as usual A new fixed meaning, as approved by the masses; and figures of speech in a particular language environment short-lived likeness; body and Vehicles with no fixed relationship between a body can have multiple Vehicles.
learn the Chinese language The semantic characteristics of the students in the exam in conjunction with the meaning of words, context specific analysis.
(b) the type of words the concept of emotional
commendatory with praise, affirmation, adore, Dear sensitive words such for magnificent show muscular
derogatory term with a modest denounce, renounce, repulsion, disdain the word so stupid treacherous emotional independent words mean non-small
assess the results of emotional status with the way the word
(c) Analysis of synonyms:
1. From the point of regard to the severity of bias
different meaning: such as Key differences: such as ; and br> Styles of different colors: such as ; appropriate for elders, superiors, ; open phenomenon using the wrong phrase has the following:
1. the words also literally. such as ; We can not impress him. He has high ideals conceited only in the work fulfilled wonderful results. ) filled with words associated with the method
1. filled statements related word statement to adjust to the specific content, sentence structure expressed by the relationship between the significance of how to select the corresponding related words.
2. in the use of related words and fill words often related to the attention of the specifics of complete sets of couples, if free to change before and behind the echo of their words, it will reason confusion on the meaning and relationships.
3. if the request is filled by several complicated sentence question consisting of a long text, then they would must think two aspects: First, Overview of the entire problem, to distinguish this text there are several intricate sentence, several phrases; the second is based on the total concept and then elaboration of the same complicated sentence the significance of narratives between clauses, complex sentences and complex sentences hierarchy, depending on the relationship between the different elected related word.
(f) common types of phrases
coordinate phrase: by the terms of two or more , consisting of a verb or adjective parallel phrases, words and words are equal between the articulation, not the severity of primary and secondary points, such phrases as parallel phrases. such as: science and technology, research, and the glorious and arduous.
prejudiced is the phrase: the noun, verb, adjective and before they formed from the revision of the word. noun, verb, adjective, is the chief language, the word is attributive noun modified, modify verbs, adjectives, word is adverbial. adverbial phrase with the Centre relationship is slightly assured relationship. such as: strong advocate, heroes, my pen, nervously labor.
verb-object phrase: a verb and a word fashioned by the verb clause dominating called verb-object phrases. one dominated by the verb the thing, the object of namely action, the outcome of the premises and so on. such as: unity of the students, eat luncheon, live in caves, railways.
resultative phrase: by the verb and its complement that role behind the composition of the phrase word . from the word appendix the role of complement, complement before to use some structural mote >, read the .
verb phrase: chiefly by nouns and verbs, adjectives, combination, the subject is the object of statements, what the subject or the predicate expression of how, between verb statements were presented and relationships. such as: a cheerful, crops mature. pay attention to the subject and predicate of the match, to prevent mismatches.
addition, prepositional phrases, the preposition and object composed of a noun or pronoun as object. such as: From Beijing. parity phrase, two words before and after a person or object. such as: Lu Xun.
(g) Analysis of
nice example of Example 1, fill in the following sentence the words on the line the most appropriate one is ( )
(1) Sheng Mudian seven wide, deep six, large, but no pillar.
(2) in the inner world of students, should not dampen their morale in a corner of the most - - people's self-esteem.
(3) was filled with renowned author Ye Wenling dedicated to high school students: acutely sensitive broad admonitions warned B.
C. D. broad broad keen admonition caution
sensitive analysis and solution:
, but there are some differences, emotional ; sensitive ; of Italy included, the situation with 3 words, it is the answer should be A.
plebiscite Example 2: in the following sentences using the words add a little of which is not appropriate ()
A. language eloquence, elegantly written, is a popular prose art.
B. sedition among the Chinese nation in any diplomatic assault, difficulties and obstacles in front, have shown the fortitude and invincible hero mettle.
C . a rill around the metropolis that the change in recent years, the Council horse rhetoric, full of pride builders.
D. braids have dissolved, panel was smooth, except under the cap, the bright can learn a lesson , favor a tiny girl's cilia in general, but also to a few tangled neck tangled, it is very beautiful.
Analysis and Solutions:
A option in the All praises and recite metaphor appropriate; C option in the is the compliment with a derogatory expression of Mr. Lu Xun live in nightmares, pamper in amusement sensibility of indignation Qing students, should be the right combination of context, so the answer is choice C.
(h) Review Summary:
such train to be a good answer, at first should pay attention to the accumulation of vocabulary usual, particularly the use of word meaning to have an accurate understanding and mastery. Secondly, the answer to different kinds of questions take a different solution methods. such as the use of word choice, you can from four aspects: ① Note the key requirements of occasional working display test words; ② fast sentences, to understand the elementary meaning of the sentence; ③ choice words to each other, find out its nuances; ④ cater context beneath scrutiny alternative words, to decide the appropriate alternatives. Again, the answer combined with contextual understanding of the accurate meaning of a word such questions, but also should pay attention to three points: ① as shown in the context of an accurate grab of casual working; ② accurately referee the words In the particular context of the specific meaning; ③ the context of the meaning of words into context to which it checks to ensure the precision of their use.
(IX) in the examination typical example
1, (2004 in Beijing), plus the following interpretation of The Scarlet Letter is a error (D)
A. malformations abnormal: abnormal indefatigable instruct: teach
B. violent Stanford: dry boundless peremptory Yin: Limits
C. hollow Lou: carving lifelike Shaw: unknown conceal similar
D.: Hidden mountainous peaks: barriers
Analysis: Analysis of meaning based on context can be. ; mountainous to unravel the phrase does not make sense.
2, (2004 · Henan) to write Chinese characters according to Pinyin.
(1) yǎn (Yan) flag bearing the drum (2) jī (erratic) shape the development of
Analysis: This two small problems, is to examine the common typo of shape easily. examine this subject in two words often said in real life and common, but most of the students is easy wrong. this type of character is often in the test exam examine the.
3, (2003 · in Beijing) are the correct interpretation of sentence plus a red (B)
(1) He caught the attention of broken-hearted, natural conditions can not own.
(2) then throat open while you read the book, truly voices.
A. Touch (pushed) tripod (large)
B. touch (adjoin) Ding (an archaic pan)
C. Touch ( contact) tripod (large)
D. Touch (touch) tripod (is)
Analysis: questions selected two sentences are from the text. ; the word and the
4, (2002 · Xicheng District, Beijing) is one of the following typos (C)
A. teachings off against voices B. slim long dark submerged AIDS vivid chromatic
C. So funny D. Huo Liang whimsical hanging Alley terrifying virtual Shocked
Analysis: The response is C items. Identification of typos, to join the shape and averaging. C the term ;. Life (jie), along to no (chuo) fatigue
disdain set (bian) to maintain (jiān) Mo
Answer: living in poverty and near necrosis ...

even now the dinosaurs died when watching the spectacle

Waiting for you to crack the million years mm four mystery
World Dinosaur Valley Association of Sichuan science author Nguyen Peng
expedition team located in scenic World Dinosaur Valley, km, a kernel area investment 500 million yuan, was opened in April 2008. Dinosaur Valley is a fine, AAA tourism for the nation. the area is a site conservation, science expedition, sightseeing, high-tech distraction and leisure in one of the major cultural tourism dinosaur theme park. World Dinosaur Valley, even based on observers with all sides Quest, the value of great scientific expedition. I January 2010 inspection tour in Yunnan during the early focus of the world investigated Lufeng Dinosaur Valley, Valley of the dinosaurs left the Secret Tour.
1, the secret of fossil-intensive: Lu Feng number of dinosaur fossils have proven the most in the world, but there are more fossils to be discovered. Why are there so many dinosaurs gathered Lufeng ? Lu Feng, or if it is the family of the dinosaurs of the giant dinosaur graveyard? who brought so many dinosaurs buried to Lufeng this little place?
2, the secret of dinosaur fossils across time and space: Ana (construction points) in the same area found above the same geological sections represent early, navel and late Jurassic period, fauna 5000 million years. This distinctive in the globe. So why would dinosaurs separated by 5000 years of slumbering together? dinosaurs just how long the individual life? is who has so many power to the two common enemies, many different kind of gigantic leap 5000 years of time and space to push in together and buried in a pit?
3, dinosaur eggs, separated with the secret: Lu Feng found so many different, such a huge digit of dinosaur fossils in the Cang Ling (in the point next to the project) found extra than 500 dinosaur footprints, but still has no found a dinosaur eggs fossils, and in the straight-line distance from the Lu Feng, Henan, China more than 1500 km of a large digit of dinosaur egg found in the fossil has no found a dinosaur fossils. So, what Lufeng dinosaur eggs stolen along whom? If there is not dinosaur eggs, dinosaur Lufeng how small groups of students out?
4, the mystery of the dinosaur head and neck towards the East: to date , entire Lufeng unearthed dinosaur fossils have his head toward the east, then what occurred in the East, so that together look askance at hundreds of dinosaurs, death did not defiance to clear? or, in their dying dinosaurs , look inward to the East what happens? is the savior of the dinosaurs do?
decrypt: to reply
a river since ancient times, the river is the ideal place to nurture life.
mystery voyage guide when referring to the four, also explain some of the secret outlooks of some scientists, but these outlooks are more or less unreasonable. I try to uncover these mysteries, the even startled to find ; closely associated. decrypt the following four mysteries thereon, respectively.
decrypt the mystery of the dinosaur head and neck toward the dinosaur head and neck
to crack the mystery of all towards the east, you must 1st solve the secrets of the dinosaurs died. reasons the death of dinosaurs and dinosaur extinction has a real inconsistency, although many savants believe that the extinction of dinosaurs and a huge meteorite kick the Earth almost, but it is not suitable to explain the Dinosaur World Dinosaur Valley, most of the causes of death. Because there are a few dinosaur fossils across the era of the dinosaur extinction have died before, which does not rule out the elated antique age, ailment, etc..
and look at some of the popular saying:
(1) meteorite explosion is said: the problem without considering the time span, if these dinosaur fossils There are mostly produced by meteorite impact explosion died, then how they have a complete frame was found it? if it were not for thumped decapitated, and can not retain the head and neck toward the same.
(2) dinosaur group fugitive said: In mandate to annotate the mystery of the dinosaur head and neck towards, it was suggested that this view: the course the dinosaurs died in the collective flight, so their heads are in one direction. This explanation may seem rational, but not stand up to scrutiny: What is Now things make a large group of dinosaurs dead? the only way to head towards their line, for the death of the dinosaurs in the process will inevitably skirmish back watching. so hard to ensure that they are facing the same after the death of the head, unless there are technology the.
(3) dinosaur strange watching, said: This says that the dinosaurs died and found what the East natural marvels, such as volcanic eruptions, meteorite outbreak far video, pretty sunrise, so as spontaneously toward the east sidelines and death after the collective head-East. This interpretation is compelled, the first group can not explain why the dinosaurs died while waiting to see, and secondly, even now the dinosaurs died while watching the spectacle, and death is a process, can not vouch that all the dinosaurs head pointing towards the East. In addition,8th Floor -806, the spectacle in the East,shanghai massage, is a coincidence of that.
decryption towards the mystery of dinosaurs:
from dinosaurs drowned
first did not mention why the dinosaurs died have cornered east, toward the light of this invariable difficult ample to explain the. to justify the consistency of dinosaurs toward the head and neck, you have to first speak about why dinosaurs died.
art in addition to foreigners, and only have such a spectacle of dinosaurs drowned. In the interpretation guide , I find this a valuable clue: a herbivorous dinosaur, there are carnivorous dinosaurs, herbivorous dinosaur which occasionally lush, aquatic animals of many rivers, the context can preoccupy the gathering herbivorous and carnivorous dinosaurs.
how dinosaurs drowned in it? ancient Earth frequent geological activity, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions are almost commonplace. So assume, In a large earthquake, the breakdown of ravine sides together and form a lake and rivers, when the lake water reaches a certain value, lake suddenly collapsed, flooding the lower approaches of the fierce dinosaurs being submerged foraging, Then the dinosaurs drowned. also absence to consider this: after the formation of lake and downstream river dried up, plants and aquatic animals obtain to the bottom,shanghai escort, more charming to a large number of dinosaur to go feed.
In addition, the dinosaurs may also transfer south en route to walk across the river and drowned.
flooded after the death of the dinosaurs, can only be left to the mercy of the rapids. torrent while the body can not be impulsive dinosaurs, dinosaur body would sink to the bottom of the river, nevertheless the huge dinosaur body does not accessible rinsed away, but its slender neck and head have chance light, still will be subject to the mercy of water flow, direction of water flow onward the the direction of the river flowing and there. This solves the mystery of the dinosaur head and neck toward reunification.
dinosaur head and cervix towards the solution, and also ambition reveal the mystery of the instruction of answers. That is the river towards the east while the drop! archaic rivers and the Yangtze River today Yellow River flows virtually, mostly from west to east and flows. that is, the passage of the river east to the rolling head and neck dinosaurs drowned placed into this separated in different places, , so the number and type of party a large number of dinosaur fossils, dinosaur egg fossils are not found.
guide gives one explanation are: Dinosaurs Migration said. average dinosaur eggs in one place (maybe northerly direction as Inner Mongolia, Henan fossil dinosaur eggs are found), while the living quarters in dissimilar place. Now there are some aquatic animals retain this mode of reproduction: the land in rivers or spawning upwards, downstream in the river of life.
this kinds of argument has some fact, but there are still deficiencies: lack of dinosaur footprint fossils advocate the campaign. it was discovered that the Tibetan antelope migration path of the footprint fossils, but has not found fossil evidence of dinosaur migration; Second World Dinosaur Valley also found a small number of very youth dinosaur fossils, these small dinosaurs birth may be fewer than a few months, just hatched, how a small dinosaur found in the southern mountain dinosaur wading mom do?
so I believe that this phenomenon can have 2 explanations:
first disaster, the dinosaurs are long past the laying period, eggs have hatched, it is complicated to find a dinosaur egg fossils.
Second, the impact of floods, lake break floods washed the eggs from afar, it is hard to detect places in the dinosaur egg fossils of dinosaur eggs. According to young dinosaur fossil can be speculated that a important calamity may occur in the summer, late summer season, when a period of high flood. Modern many animals eggs because eggs contain climate bubbles, often lighter than water, can drift on water. if not a surface, because the proportion of eggs with water mini difference, coupled with the buoyancy ingredient, can also be easily washed away. dinosaur eggs in from the water is not quite far away, even in the factories in production, which inevitably are washed away. Therefore dinosaur eggs in the river downstream may be found in some places. The fossils of dinosaur eggs found in Henan and other places, perhaps in ancient times is downstream of the river.
decryption dinosaur fossils together across time and space mystery
different time of the dinosaurs together in 1 place for a pit or a phenomenon, and rivers are still pertinent.
First Falls said. in the mountains Canyon,beijing massage, the river with the strong dinosaurs to survive, natural waterfalls and the favor are too prone apt the natural scenery. there is often a mammoth cascade pond under, the dinosaur's body behind falling from a waterfall, easy to scamper aground in the pool and, accordingly, tin collect a lot of dinosaur remains. pool from deep to shallow, sedimentary bodies with dinosaurs, dinosaurs namely died in alter phases to some extent, perpendicular delivery, which can happen in another periods of the dinosaur fossils at roughly the same class or a tilt.
II said the two rivers meet. more than the coalition of the river, alive in different rivers can accumulate in different branches of dinosaur remains. the manifold branches of the river, leap to the distribution and aggregation of different category of dinosaurs, the two Creek Interchange, equitable more probable to gather more type of dinosaur remains. In adding, the river coalition, they often fashion a small plain, smooth water district, the two mingled into a chief river, flowing eastward. As the river there is a long time, across time and space large, it can gather different time dinosaurs. and has accumulated a body of two dinosaur River Plain, or the reason for raising or lowering of geological play, and other water effects, but also make the two different periods of the dinosaurs together different appearances of river plains, and in roughly the same airplane .
Third dinosaurs across period and space. in the collective mass extinction before dinosaurs, there are still some dinosaurs certainly proceed to extbring an end to the next era of life, yet also as evolutionary continuity. late dinosaurs and earlier also has a certain kinship of dinosaurs, they decease in the same place,shanghai escort, roughly the same level of the formation of fossils, is also quite feasible.
from the upon analysis, we can discern, this river of life birth (including branches), in truth, full of danger, and there is a long period, the survival of a dinosaur theme park, maximum of the year until the extinction of the dinosaurs to the era.
In synopsis, the four World Dinosaur Valley, raised fashionable mysteries and more reasonable explanation, but need more answers specialists in narrated disciplines to tap and demonstration. perhaps also long interval of time, many can not solve the mystery, we can only give approach answers.
Source: Sichuan Science and Technology News