Thursday, May 5, 2011

he said

I will promptly provide you the relevant Latin American political, economic, social, diplomatic and cultural latest trends. Welcome your valuable comments and reproofs. Like additional Web site or personal blog to reprint my blog post, please denote the source and authors. Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Latin American Research Professor LATIN
Bolivian President Evo Morales held in December to stop climate change summit in Cancun,
2010 年 5 23, the just-concluded visit to Europe Bolivian President Evo Morales namely scheduled to stop meeting in December climate change summit in Cancun, Mexico, because he panicked the Cancun summit in association with the Copenhagen summit, will no have any results. He said: hope, the state and the UN will lose credibility in front of the world. he advocated talk with the social movements,shanghai massage, social manoeuvre to argue the United States, China and India, the need for implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, and he also inquired to address climate change,shanghai massage, held a election over the world, the establishment of punitive abuse to the environment of international climate crimes court.
5 27, accused the Government of Bolivia in December will be held in Cancun, Mexico, the United Nations summit on weather alteration in an attempt to bypass held in Cochabamba, Bolivia, the 1st the human of the world's air alteration summit conclusions.
this year April 20 to 22, in the province of Cochabamba, Bolivia,I have numerous times apt inquire themselves. Chyi Yu constantly meditation of in the center of the,shanghai escort, Dijipaya City (opening ceremony) and the city of Cochabamba (closing ceremony) held its first People's World Summit on climate change. to participate in this conference from 142 countries on five continents approximately the world non-governmental environmental organizations and other non-governmental unions for well as official representatives of more than 40 countries a absolute of 35,000 people. invited to participate in this The meeting was Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, Cuban State Council Vice-Chairman of the governors of the wire and some other countries.
host, Bolivian President Evo Morales by the beginning rite, accentuated that global climate change effectively by industrialized countries reasoned by irrational development. He cried in Mexico the end of this year's United Nations Climate Change Conference held in gratitude and adore for the resolutions made by the conference. The participants were divided into 18 working groups to discuss the climate issue and make a sequence of resolutions. The United Nations Latin USA and the Caribbean Economic Commission Executive Secretary Alicia? Bar Seine was read by the opening ceremony of the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's letter to the General Assembly.
4 月 22 日 exactly is the . Bolivian President Evo Morales in his closing statement, asked the United Nations, international agencies and industrial countries ought hear to the voices of people of the world, he thought it was a historic meeting. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said in a lecture at the closing ceremony,beijing massage, ; this emergency is not merely a climate emergency, merely the global crisis of capitalism, including the ecological, political, economic and moral, therefore, the true path out of chaos is to proceed the implementation of communism in Latin America and the Caribbean, The real way out is socialism survive. He also ironic Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, is an outright failure of a General Assembly, held in Bolivia and the Queensland will not allow the summit to tax so-called summit.
resolution adopted by the meeting namely the peoples of the earth requires developed countries to repay debt owed to Mother Earth, and and disburse the cost to the surroundings; requirements of amplified countries committed to reduce noxious gas emissions targets. In people of the earth climate change session finished, the United Nations said on behalf of the United Nations acknowledged Yuriko Yosukawa Cochabamba, in Bolivia the people of the climate summit in the closing concert. Yuriko in the reception statement said namely in the hereafter will be the United Nations General Assembly convened read and describes the concert, he said, Cochabamba, Bolivia, made the agreement will be submitted in December, held in Cancun, Mexico to argue the United Nations climate summit.
However, fewer than a month, <br

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