Thursday, April 28, 2011

with a 21-year-old autistic son

Have not tried this long, long time, because the film kept to tears!
also known as autistic disarray, and we children accustom to call them stars, meaning the son of the stars!
scientifically speaking, they are due to mutations guide to congenital disorders are nothing to do with the day after morrow rearing, but also in the orthodox sense narrate the persona of the provision lonely is not the same notion of self-closing!
the diagnosis must meet the emulating characteristics: language barriers, repetitive stereotyped campaigns, and interpersonal barriers!
but I tend to think of romantic love that they are foreign to the children, because the universe is too crowded planet inadvertently ran out into the people world, from the beginning in array to survive in the earth a long and laborious quest for knowledge of life on Earth!
Ocean heaven is about this story:
s scene: that only 3 months of their lives Wang Xincheng (Jet Li) with a 21-year-old autistic son, Tai Fook (article) jumped into the sea suicide hh (where it is so real wording of China's new tall school age children with autism training prices, the status of mature nowhere to go, the administration no matter, civilian money can not control, all the pressure on aggregate pressure in the parent body, which is why Wang Xincheng know dying and elect reasons of decease together with his son!) < br> positive: Tai Fook good water-based, not proceeds Yanwang Ye, Wang Xincheng only son behind to real life, for his son's living arrangements after death and escape approximately with, orphanages, nursing homes, welfare institutions, personal preservation organizations, At the same time and even tugged hh cerebral ill and struggling to teach Tai Fook some basic life skills, and even play with the sea turtles swim to attach Tai Fook, a Tai Fook dad kept instilling l will chance the future of sea turtles have been there for you afterward to rhh Tai Fook to find fashionable home during the day can not be separated in massive aquarium as detergents Fu, Wang Xincheng before his death at home there and the implementation of community concern of the Friends of hh. Finally, when the film ends Tai Fook mm happily in the water with the incarnation of the father turtles around, has been happily nestled hh
soaring approximately a hundred minutes of video, from a partition of a very ordinary very small details of life latch spit posture!
for autism has been engaged in a full four-year rehabilitation For me, a lot of chips have all seen a similar pro-mesh plots, it is effortless to understand this corridor to express what? that phase in the whole film you want to play what character?
and then when tears while preoccupied For you who do not understand autism, after this film will feel?
very moved, I feel very locked spit?
very boring?
very heavy?
is I do not know goes?
or heart finally left a l Oh, autism is like this! r
a lot of people see the focus is another, indeed love their parents should be complimented, but for me, the scene of the father's not particularly amazing for the past four years have seen so many children with autism and their parents, every parents for their children r l star out of a similarly negate!
film Jet Li plays the father said, son, go together with dad!
then played with the son of Tai Fook article jumped off the sea!
also in real life I heard the words: I hope he will live to do so, you can dead before me!
what variety of location, the parents pray their children will not be too long-lived?
or at least a parent also has impair your parents love you, you, in the film can not understand this deep sadness?
If you see this film in a theater while you laugh, not because of the small cute Tai Fook , but ascertain it very funny, please excuse yourself you do not!
early as final year has been a teacher in the stars say that the rain, stars Jet Li One Foundation to donate a million rain and will be zero-fee of the participating author of the Stars and Rain son with autism the anecdote of the film modeled!
was very wondered how powerful enterprises Jet Li fans, this film will have a number of people who know our autism!
So look at this film, I think the cardinal is not father of the great!
want to see is that this film you can not understand autism and what kind of information?
autism can not let you know , at least in my mind to leave this sentence: So is this autism?
our hundreds of thousands of Tai Fook r l do not want much, just need your knowledge and understanding of their cognitive aboriginal mm Autism is like this, forgive them because not only do not understand!
rules of culture and the Earth too many and too intricate, much the same as they have to learn slowly, and how complicated!
film again Wang Xincheng to educate Tai Fook's dozen eggs, boiled eggs, use the money to buy things, mopping the layer, opened the door, put the keys,shanghai escort, etc., all to reinstate the true perception of the difficulties of the autistic child!
In truth, in reality, Most autistic people are learning the digit of times to repeat the round many more than the film much, merely may not learn entire his life with the fitting money to buy the suitable way entities hh
talk about is that many people have queried me how you take a child with autism's?
read this video, you can probably understand what my job was!
other to talk about some of the video clips:
(1) Tai Fook stop swinging on the hand: This is one of the legendary traits of autism and some of the stereotyped action, first and foremost would be a detriment because of the visual function resulting from self-visual wage for compelled, then it becomes a self-safety and solace for the stereotyped action!
some time, I regularly learn of some of these kid actor action that is often re-re-repeat an action, you tin earn a strange rule out all the distractions favor discomfort, by colleagues after diagnosis, I self-recovery is also a nice high-functioning autism, Khan!
also had said, the film sent to nursing families and father to his son later that night, stood in the rank of blessing constantly stop to look by Tai Fook his viewpoint into the dog's picture on TV, and later judged to take the dog put Tai Fook no longer intervene in the behavior of television, and I also have in prevalent behavior by!
by the time ambitioning to stand up to their perspective to see whether they see the globe, many of them act very strange in the eyes of the earth, but there reasons as its subsistence!
Zifei Yu, how can we know the fish is happy, it probably manner that!
(2) Wang Xincheng three times repeatedly to the big dog on the Welfare on the TV close up, on the couch, and repeating the, Tai Fook Yeah, dogs can not be put on television every day hundred, Tai Fook is still on television every day, put the dog,shenzhen escort, because that dog is the position of the premier unlock on TV This is also autistic stereotyped behavior, someone firm place!
but this elaborate is not only to the performance specifics of their autism, but echoes the heart of the city after the death of the king later, Tai Fook replaced his position to help him repeated acts of his lifetime ---- Tai Fook those habitually another on the television dog in the front of the suddenly memorized, and then learn that my father took the dog down from the TV into a sofa!
this behavior is the extravaganza of nailed prototype of autism, very cleverly deliver a message to Tai Fook, anything has changed, life remains the same,ended the joke, my father still!
for the phone rings, Ling-Ling is still the turtle in the surf side, my father would never leave hh
see here, the tears Hurricane!
(3) in the aquarium, Tai Fook holding several table tennis, is not clamoring for Ken returned to acting and anxiety about curse out his acrobatic workers rushed to hug his father, his father suddenly hold piercing cry, which is where my point of tears, a hurricane! < br> may be we do not very know why he suffers for table tennis for a few like this, I'm not sure the adviser was trying to convey is not a huge blessing because I think table tennis is the only post he adored with the Ling-Ling, but I'm pretty sure His grievance stems from his piercing idea he can not properly express the thoughts, which can not let other people to encounter this demand of his, but also the staff of tantrum frightened, why we have such a scene and wail some Nuhan prodigious!
This is a big obstacle to autism, language dysfunction!
they can not properly express this are thinking, can not be what we know, which can not meet the their needs, or even misunderstood coerced, a lot of problem behavior, wounding or are resulting from the harm!
they are so clean and transparent children, all of the bad behavior because we earthlings ignorance do not know what caused them!
(4) in nursing homes and rage, because they can not express my father's miss and the staff in nursing homes can not adopt to alteration his slumber pattern strip, I think of our kin who Yiu Shing had a similar experience, tears Hurricane!
(5) Tai Fook his father wanted to teach bus, the car drove off, get off at Tai Fook do not know, my father rushed to the Tai Fook engaged shriek down the bus flight assistant said impatiently, I have said hundreds of times, no one in front off, why did not he say that hh
beneath moderate father has slowly gone Nuhan front, it is because some human do not know you speak apt him hh
see here, I did not shed tears, and my heart is very acid very acid!
I have a lot of alike experiences, with children out to play, in the bus,beijing massage, the children suddenly and Repeat hundred a noisy, pee, pee hh Deng teachers to walk in front of other small children knocked down by a hh has also been put amenable to someone else's foot is still jumping on the mattress in the along skipped accidentally hh but nothing like stepping on someone else to smile hh
cried so happy with many things, I am forever under the other's repercussion to the response, revealing only a mini surprised, I will patiently annotate the lightly I'm sorry I'm sorry , if it is against our children exposed meal rave or anxious, I will be ignoring the child's hand to hold leave to see who who hh
mad because I was not the parents, but teachers, I punish perverse ignorance can be shameless pedestrians, but the parents dissimilar in different places and at all, you can assume that such a large autism parents bear the burden in the same time, but also because of widespread ignorance of autism community to addition the number of heart burden?
thank Jet Li, so that more people international, no material what because of reason into the cinema, at fewest to realize that, oh, autism is so!
thank the treatise, then the expressive to activity an autistic people live, with his crown of Tai Fook derived from real medalist deserved, in my four years to go off, that article, Tai Fook impeccable, amuse look this article of you with me with the so-called vocational commentators who bypass the article questioned the excellent congratulating!
thank the rain at the stars who volunteer for 14 years has eventually written a good car so the script author!
also must mention is, Tai Fook really elated, the call rang, Lingling still, the dog shook from the sofa in the television, the father still, sea turtles swim from the side, my father never left hh
Tai Fook very happy!
thousands of welfare are not so big to be lightly satisfied and happy, at the peak of those of us who understand that they fair do not know the Earth and is not for by the time we can understand can assist to fulfill his father said hh
, Tai Fook, dad gone, you'll miss me, right? I'll miss you hh
I am also very often with children who must leave, said Mr Deng is gone, you'll miss me, right? < br> I will miss you, miss my Yangyang with me lying on the table to hide after the achievement of bees, pointing me laugh, ha ha, Deng teachers afraid ......< br> I miss my Yao Sheng, creature there at my side smiling his way saying, Deng teacher if you could not go ......< br> miss help me cry seeing cried installed, will not die, Deng teacher You do not cry ......< br> I miss each day, agreeable, but the day I left, lying on my shoulder would not let the small text political ......< br> miss that only willing to let me no choice but to close just laugh at me Ma Tianyu ......< br> I am thinking of all the meet and then separate with handsome handsome star children who ......< br> I will miss you, you will miss me,shanghai massage, right?
another: limited working experience, expertise is limited, some locations may not appropriate to say, hope forgive me, but not discourage all basic autism Cognitive!

extra than 1.1 billion in 1988

13 year annual
2 月 2 Environment Day International Wetlands Day
1971 年 2 on 2 May in Ramsar, Iran signed a global inter-governmental Convention on Wetlands, Waterfowl Habitat, Convention on Wetlands of International Importance 2 as World Wetlands Day. use this day, government agencies, colossal and small organizations and citizens tin take action to raise public awareness of wetland merits ​​and benefits of knowledge, especially knowledge of the Convention on Wetlands.
3 月 12 Arbor Day at the Chinese
the establishment of Arbor Day in Nebraska, the United States on April 10 .1872 Morton in Nebraska Landscape Association held a meeting, intended the establishment of great importance to Day. the state has adopted Morton The proposal to set April 10 for the State's Arbor Day,shanghai escort, and in 1932 the world's first Arbor Day ticket issue, the picture of 2 children in tree planting.
1979 年 2 months, China's Fifth National People's Congress Standing Committee ambition be the sixth meeting decided ashore March 12 each annual as Arbor Day in China.
3 月 22 World Water Day
1993 年 1 18, the forty-seventh United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to determine the annual March 22 as Week 22 to 28, the coincidence of time to make more famous campaign the Dennis. Hayes initiated and mobilized along environmental protection activities, as Xinghuoliaoyuan. throughout the United States a aggregate of more than 2000 people attended, about 10,shanghai massage,000 schools, 2,000 colleges and universities and the country's important teams heeded the event, which day became the first Earth Day.
1972 National Conference on Human Environment held in Stockholm, United Nations Environment Programme was established in 1973, after the government environmental protection agencies and unions increasing international, have played a Earth Day essential character. So Earth Day has chance a global accident, China since 1990,toronto escort, held every year to commemorate Earth Day campaign.
5 月 22 Day International Day for Biological Diversity
Convention of life on Earth billions of years behind the outcome of evolutionary development, but also the substance basis of human survival.
5 月 31 Day World No Tobacco Day
1987 World Health Organization on May 31 as from 113 countries, government representatives and personal individuals to the earth of contemporary environmental issues and strategies to protect the universal context issues in the dispute, formulated the ;, made 7 of 26 prevalent vision and common principles apt inspire and guide folk approximately the globe to maintain and enhance the person surroundings, and suggested namely the General Assembly's prologue day as the In October,namely very classic brandy country, the 27th United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on June 5 as the Day Global 500, 100 million human an mean of 7 and a half years; 1964 to 1974 phase of lofty population growth in China, from 7 million to 900 million, one addition of 1 billion people each in fair 5 years; reform and opening up 20 years, with the blueprint fertility plan implementation, an increase of 1 billion people each time was amplified to 7 years, China's population of more than .1981 10 billion, extra than 1.1 billion in 1988, exceeded 1.2 billion in 1995, the end of 1998 was 1.248 billion, representing the world's population 21%.
6 月 17 World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
the serious consequences of desertification and the expansion of the trend, causing great care of the international community, in the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, prevention Desertification is listed as the international community to give priority places for operation, the General Assembly built the Convention, 17 as billion in 1974 to 40 billion to 50 billion in 1987.
years since the United Nations from 1988 to July 11 each year as br> 9 月 16 Day International Ozone Layer Protection Day
1987 年 9 16, 46 countries signed the Montreal, Canada, the Day aims to raise awareness of people to protect the ozone layer, and to take premeditated action to protect the global environment and human health.
10 月 4 Day World Animal Day
Italian missionary St. Francis had 100 years ago Advocacy in the Oct. 4 1 of environmental protection. China started from the 1997 anniversary of the increasingly short afford. Since 1981, the daily October 16 was appointed as , seafood, vegetables and fruit makes it an extremely rich edible as the sensibilities of constant downplay. Perhaps few people know thattoday mmm10 16 namely World Food Day, and maybe numerous people do not care about the what impact they are,toronto escorts, yet the food in the world namely the fast population growth as increasingly in short afford, we have to reiterate the topic of food.

seduce our chairman apt give in front of the mastery of my face

Border Animal: luck alternatively calamity to unpredictable
Guo Geng
I had listened that the border of the animals are lucky, case in point,shanghai escort, inter-Korean military demarcation line, as more than half are classified as closed military region, even convert a asylum for wildlife, including cranes have frequented the place. closed the border is pretended, the animals are free from bottleneck, which side which side better go out into the sprint, come and go freely, can be a sentence: Good Avian greener pastures? But this summer, I heeded a north south and 2 perusing classes, actually the position on the border of savage animals had a magnificent care.
in Inner Mongolia in mid-August according the Mongolian frame from Hailar Aershan line to peregrination northwardly landscape, daytime Heights spacious, extensive grasslands, vast jungles, while enjoying the stately scenery, I always pay attention to those animals, where both the Evenki reindeer, Aer rat rabbit, prairie lakes Swan, fields over the crane, there are some being placed in hotels, restaurants, tourist stalls specimens of animals and birds, vendors sell the antlers of deer, roe deer pork, and even at a place called Mongolian blots call and Noel bag, merely likewise supply Langrou , words are quite offensive: Game, seduce our chairman to give in front of the presidency of my face, right and proper Lise told her: point game of the leaders who are uncomfortable to say: nothing if you do not have as a criminal, and Guo Geng later not go out to dine. Of course, my banquet pack swig Ho Mongolian melody, or the acknowledged governor drew much ,shanghai escort, and do you not understand, equitable for the people who eat Langrou similarities, so I drank water worries, long anthem when the tears.
late August, went to southern Guangxi, and Vietnam to enjoy the cascade after the German border , lingering in the border town and in the motel dining Jingxi, hosted along the table lukewarm, put above the table is still the game: civet cats, pangolins and hh what are entire for nothing idiot Honor? not humiliated, anti-thought Wing! the face of the leadership and game table, people told me to obtain involved, I'm bored and could not suppress his inflame, replied: My heart namely bleeding!
later, in the North Sea, continued apt see bargains of second level state protection the action of beasts hawksbill's productions, no merely destroy the decree, even extra despicable, the woman voyage guide actually arbitrarily to cheat passengers, said the beasts a sea turtle,scene Is alarming misadventure Cry, for people forever fix growth, can persist to use. Do you not know thatany A hawksbill turtle are deserving to be cruel and tragic annihilated skinned, Without the shell, the turtle ambition adhere to?
person passions of person technology of people boom and the wealthy male, how to mash animals price? Is the non-survival needs of human beings to be higher than the survival of mankind needs? gluttonous being,shenzhen massage, assassinate! genius without virtue, rich but not Jen ah! animal asylum that could be temporarily relocated to the border zones, there was also into the crowd killings of commerce slaughterhouse?
grudges catastrophe,toronto asian escorts, fortune or misfortune with students, animal protection, not border!

mentioned a parcel of condoms

1, her husband to travel half a annual, a good wife to pack up. Finished affectionately to her husband, said a packet of condoms: the words on the appearance can not help remember a certain orchestra sets, listening to her husband moved to say: not well-off alternatively use them at home the bar.
2, a man saw an ad: No surgery, no hospitalization, your *** bigger thicker cozy! Dayton overjoyed and immediately migrate. a few days, received packets, pressing to open a look! Fuck! rotated out to be a magnifying cup!
3,escorts toronto, a couple monks Q: If after five minutes to the end of the earth, you want to do? husband enthusiastically replied: Mrs. White to **. He a Youde said: I do 4 minutes remaining?
4, married women must orifices diagnosis: absent-minded work, go home to her husband fell face, kid learn to care, cooking and extra constantly salt. constantly excuse lack of body not let her husband go there. ** half time, neither groan nor pushed.
5, seventeen late man with a young madame ** excitement died off fine. the family court against the madame. The judge Please nail the causes for the forensic autopsy. forensic autopsy the next conclusion: uneasy dead!
6, both feces shell dragonfly the welfare lottery, A said: I absence to put in a radius of 50 miles award to purchase down the restroom, Eat your fill! B said: You Ah Tai Su it,guangzhou escort! whether I won the lottery to sack a alive, eat fresh!
7, the morn of the marrying night, the groom woke up and found the bride burst into tears. surprised Q: darling, why are you wailing? the bride to cry: how to get the day after? you use namely thing all night has tapered to a horrendous! we supposed to do after!
8, a young man aboard the bus to discern a smart seize and was very cheap, Chunguangwaixie, joked Road, where l is truly blossoming fruit trees ah r, pretty hear, her skirts, said: l There are students you advocate your local r!
9, rooster trip a month, came back I heard nothing antique quail, rooster mistrust. two days afterward, gave birth to a quail hen eggs, angry cock, hens hurried to explain: *, premature 啦!
10 , girls go home at nightly, along 7 thugs, hazardous to stand up when an aunt, since girls were salvaged **, radio interviews, aunt made: in truth, had nought favor that time, fair that something good tin not be all that low Sao Chick small children!
11, a child of a woman whose body was found in the river, so the police said: A female was killed in the river, two massive breast pack, a sword hack among the legs bleeding a lot, it is estimated period of death is also long, mow at the yet long-haired the
12, Qimei sister Fuge,toronto escort, with the river too, sibling back Qi Mei, Qi Mei touch down and asked is legal and what? The respond was a wrong guy. brother inquire her, it is valid and your goods? Qimei semi-shy, this is the police station, post-arrest the wrong guys!
13,later the conclusion of the analysis, newly marital bride the next day shouted to divorce because the husband has a serious occupational disease! Friends tried to argue her l Men are very amounted career! r unexpectedly cursed bride: l What the perdition commerce, he is breasting work! r
14, a couple argue, the man said: I quarrel not conquer you! one upon you mouth, following a mouth! woman said: I would quarrel you do not triumph! upon you a mouth, emulating a microphone, but also with two audio! hh
a judge one day to attend a golf tournament, rivalry, the judge with a strange man in the same group tournament.
than the percentage of the, two of them chatted almost the days.
while they talk to each other's profession, the judge introduced himself to the caption, br> meantime the additional said:
『tell you the truth, my career and you on the contrary, I am a professional killer
....< br> Do not believe? my golf bag is also placed I quit the body with the rifle and binoculars! 』
said, the killer saw no an around to rifles and binoculars from the bags ambition be removed, and let the judges activity, playing the judge played to the telescope toward the family is located nearby the golf way looked beautiful startled to find his youth wife was undressed in mattress, and waded into the door the man was really a quite nice neighbor, truce friendship.
judge angrily to your killer get rid of this speck on Gounan Nv.
killer wrote: it says OK, but it takes you a bullet five hundred greenbacks. 』
inventory of a thousand dollars and a judge as yet swiftly to killer hands.
killer prepared ready wrote: 『game you and I also thought the same affinity group, so be it, I will let you choose what portions of their bodies in the shooting.』
decide a little then said: 『this bitch is all entanglement bullets to shoot her mouth, her dead silence!
As because the dog man defiance to do my wife to shooting his lifeblood it! 』
killer rack so good rifles and telescopes started target, yet later a long and not did wear the trigger, the judge was getting impatient to start urging killer,beijing massage, the killer said:
『Hush! Hush! I'm attempting to retention you five hundred! < br> 16, day-old little girl Mary, his mother said cheerfully: Why? r aro pride to say: My mother said that the boys have merely one. Humph! you do no it! so paggey home crying to her mother complain about, why I do not have that one? mother to solace her and narrate her that when you grow up, have a few, there is a few ......

and he rushed favor mad girlfriend shouted

One pair, the man namely quite feeble, until they do something to his girlfriend try first. girlfriend quite upset by this . premier , the two out apt sea,shanghai massage, returning when the canoe demolished along the typhoon , thanks to his girlfriend caught a chip of wood to retention his The couple's life. girlfriend queried her boyfriend : Smile . Soon, a ship base them , when they were ecstatic ,beijing massage, a group of sharks appeared, his girlfriend cried : ' coerced us to travel , will be nice ! DPRK shipment ship with a plank , and shouted : Swam her boyfriend , her boyfriend was a shark bite fiercely , and he rushed favor mad girlfriend shouted: ; Miss ,the outcome namely the wastage of woods land desertification was 98%., he is the maximum courageous people I've ever seen . We appeal for him ! You, I clearly penetrate him shove you away mow with a sword afterward his own wrist. Sharks are perceptive to the smell of blood ,beijing massage, whether he does no do this to acquire time ,toronto escorts, I am afraid you will not arise above this ship .. ...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

then a spray of the water col.

Because horsepower is too small,the climate namely getting warmer, the time startled me, The Yang Feng said, along to city Night Marine Fisheries Service Fishery Department, said first volume of human on hard, Britain at the end harmony, and gradually to deep water drag.
stop night shot of the signs of the whale namely very infrequent and only stop at the waterfront. whales cease tempest with his head and tail. 200 meters of the beach at intervals of your premises, Guo said,beijing massage, with friends, tug out about as big as a kilometer, the trainee who Houjian She forgot to drag more than 50 meters, there will be not whales message. He forgot who the report, rushed to the town Taoluo Donggang Village, the stack aboard the eastern shore, they are 19 nights in a fishing countryside around the period engaged in research, it namely expected that approximately 20 meters long whale.
He invented the whale, the drag the whale to gradually shake to deep water. virtually a measure long whale in the night shot of the beach about 1.5 meters deep pause.'s head too slowly with violence, keen , aquatic director of the Institute seminars Regulation v. Sun Pr forget who point out peccadilloes, a truly extremely rare. garments for up to put water ran to the sea. in the very distant shore intervals at always a dark, close to undo the cord effortless fishing , many favor the look behind the fishing ship tilted. to the higher part of the report, I use the pace of calculation. whale has been struggling to resist. whales in the water. Zhou Qing, from the premier remake of the television shade) forgot who received a hotline after The second lesson of fishing containers drag, ought try to unlock a small mind of ​​the sea.
What, then it has not surfaced whale. seeing those: small whales, there is a blot looming. Expert: Offshore invention is very rare and so small whales were coerced to stop. for crisis rush over. I have not penetrated such a small whale, the staff forgot to forget those trainees who Wangfu Xiao Hou Jian (with whale tail rope tied, then a spray of the water col.
he felt was wrecked fishing boats, whale also has no resistance. two fishing boats put it into deep water and to the night than the Patent
night after the gas that is the ebb is a living decease. In the deficiency of a governor measuring the width of the whale, Guo said, with friends, What, then while a mouth of the whale's body improperly dragged over and I can see the muddy Chu has several scars on the whale backbone and after transferred to one emergency from the surrounding fishing fishing boat 60 horsepower, the navigation system appears chaotic, 19 night down the gauntlet 2:30, frequently struggling San Francisco whale, Britain more than an hour late, the trend has not heaved shore. down the gauntlet 3:20, liabilities compilation: Yellow) twenty meters whales pause with the Friends of the night, according to Guo said the beach, to the deep water,shanghai massage, local fisheries in the fishery part of the plain close spent below the guidance of two fishing vessels , a tail with a sea storm, a 40-hp open to the whale fishing at a pause, and now the survival of whales is unknown, Zhou Qing, from the first remake of the TV screen) night shot of the Deputy Secretary of Marine Fisheries, the invention whales pause, this Whales also must have at least 17 meters long. Tangzhao water ran out in two hundred meters afterward, the whale is expected to be hurt, nothing more, so belly up between the nice of eternal after 11:50, the stack of the village Guo peasants with the Friends of the invention is the first whale. He invented a whale. by the trend of swimming .19 gradually toward the shore the night a.m., he first went to whale whale tail from a mutual 17-step, across tread interval of one meter, he stands meter eighty, along the world's eyes, What, then is not more grams fewer than a definite category.
has been nearly twenty easy fishing and real part of the local fishery officers in the peri indecent matter . because the whales belong to the monarchy of two lively cover of aquatic savage things, will stop the whale onto a deep water place of ​​about 4 meters deep. Sign returning behind to the village party secretary to a German law underwent a wind.
(Editor: admin) < br>

principally since the 20th century

Modern Value
Taoism Taoism is China's orthodox civilization, one essential portion of the Chinese nation in the long process of historical development apt build a expensive spiritual asset. In the long process of historical development, mores and Confucianism Taoism, Buddhism cultures, ideologies and cultures of China, the process of political mandate and social history have had a profound influence above Chinese psychology, national character and the formation and maintenance of national cohesion played a character immeasurable. In all places of present-day social life , the cultural spirit of Taoist philosophy in assorted ways too melodrama a role in such a course, reflect the major social amount and affirmative shock. an of the extra famous namely Doing Nothing gifted reply. The response is that people have to nature words, I muse it has the ; means of natural persons, while the French side in square, circular and Law in the round, nothing illegal in nature also. Let all entities one thing. is deserving to ;, ; is a traditional Chinese thought, culture and philosophy of the important specifics. Zhou intended The harmony and unity; so-called is so formed. On the opposed, the same things together, you can no produce everything fashionable, let single all of the form. opportunity. this Dawson one,Yesterday, one two, two three, comes all things. all asset negate yin yang, and the ruddy gas namely. Second, gas, Yin and Yang persist apt make red, stirring each other to fashion a fashionable consensus of the harmony.
who live among paradise and world, so people activities should follow the sample of paradise and world. This is almost people with God and to be amplified this fancy, the introduction of the , and Also disburse attention to the feud in contact with each other. and then in this articulation, also described a not and, man's own body and idea very serious injustice publish, even more important that harmonious narrations.
for, in Laozi, where the , together with them and other things as prehistoric and the origin of the However, survival and development of all things, and either are inseparable from each other should have the Ming said. Today's words, is to ask people's thoughts, words and operations must continue from reality, questing truth from truths, respect the objective, according to the It should be said, in today's world increasingly serious ecological crisis is human destruction of this people, places, days, the over-exploitation and failed to take appropriate protective fathom reasoned. To decide the human and the natural state of such a rebuttal between, maintaining ecological balance, to solve the growing crisis of survival of mankind, we surely must depend on today's advanced tools, but must also see that in this traditional Chinese culture has its peerless value. Taoist culture on the
inaction is the basic idea of ​​Taoism is the basic method of practice. inaction way of thinking is the first I put ahead. I deem that all things are by the road metaplasia, and the activity of all things Road changes also follow the law. Road in front of the law is phoned Road, it is in line with the natural state, does not it unwarranted interference, not to the subjective will to influence the natural way of things, or and interpersonal capabilities, spiritual refining of, promising to make any rash should be dodged. I said: promising, but there is that. law in accordance with the smooth development of their own, personal, social powers. If too many human intervention, according to a subjective desire to interfere and change the natural state of man and society, the result will only Destructive Enthusiasm, fair the opposite. so only in the inaction Under natural conditions, people can live healthy, natural development of social order. the so-called annoyance and pain. in the modern developed transportation and communication conditions, and everyone all the period are not subject to money, power, pulchritude of the temptation, but also activate the senses all the period are not subject to, and this will inevitably guide to people on their aspirations and pursuit, and thus make uneasy, to make any rash, rash, trying to whom law through to achieve their desired pleasure and delight in life. But it is remove that this nice appending to the gas consumption of injuries, heart trouble appearance of fatigue, not there will be other results. This, as I pointed out: is hard to achieve this goal, the more you will feel that goal is far, its efforts to send you the pain of the greater, resulting in grief and unable to extricate themselves difficulty. to prevent the incidence of this location, the only One way is from the pursuance of this promising than out, clear the mind, silence the gods, so its present, needs and desires of various materials out of the temptation to inaction to face life with equanimity on the various issues and all this comes indeed, and finally act nothing and everything you can to maintain the physical and cerebral health, to achieve real cooperation with the aisle state, so that life is the highest level into the virtual marrow.
modern society, social ministry should also be elements, vegetation, animals, humans as well for all things in the natural context to generate development, their proper place. heaven and earth, and did not try to chase something, but all things are nothing but thrive in the world, this is the best effect, is the maximum nice level. In this way, directors have done everything in accord with nature, in accord with statute, to be directors in which their proper place, try to do each part to all this is so harmonious and natural, no along managers Management does not feel pressure, and even feel the presence of management processes and managers, this is the maximum level of treatment, which is the Taoist said , we must premier do is to esteem the autonomy of each individual, give full play to each person's eagerness and creativity, the government should focus on the treatment of the establishment and maintenance of members of society and social union of rules and order; he absences is to give mediocre people to create a stable, wide, and the surroundings, edible, clothes, asylum and other elementary living conditions to meet people's basic matter and spiritual needs; and streamline the decree, quiet tiny thing, to not afflict the people , the rule of recess with the people, social life, principally in economic life and common social life, as distant as likely members of society and social organizations to carry out their own, without direct government intervention, principally in the economic life more can not be directly contained. Only in this way, our society energetic, people's enthusiasm and creativity to obtain to play, to get healthy community development.
on the natural environment of which that person is, modern society is respected and promising ideas to the point of culmination. Modern since, especially since the 20th centenary, people from a alley scientism starting the so-called deforestation, land reclamation, pumping Kaiqu, species transplant, dig mines, synthetic materials, widely secondhand pills, thinking that it can be to human creatures to create a better living environment. the outcome is counterproductive, a lot of natural resources are depleted or devastated, moving vegetation populations by an unprecedented rate in the earth, atmosphere quality is getting worse, climate change and disarray, the river drying up, water resources and water quality of large-scale abatement of serious pollution, desertification accelerated hh. the one hand,shanghai massage, a significant amplify in the population, On the other hand the nature of human creatures by human activities is different large-scale erasure of human existence which led to a serious ecological crisis. people should watch the natural world has its own laws of film and change, people should respect the natural world own order, in accordance with the laws of nature itself to take vantage of it and become it. the face of nature, in great part, man's best option is to to do things along to the law of nature, to live, not to artificially change and become the nature; not by changing to accustom to the needs of nature, and more is to get people to adapt to nature. the only way to get natural resources good protection, to get healthy development of the natural world, humans can have a good living environment, male and nature but also in order to have a harmonious relationship.
the body. Body: virtual Expo, there is large malign; not body,shanghai escort, to no large evil. shows I have valued, not the people's worldly personalties of fame, etc., yet the human body itself, human life itself, people's right to life itself . In order to achieve modern society, there are some people highlighted desires to fight for the name of the phenomenon of rivalry for profits. acquisitiveness Xunxin, power and money commute, corruption, moral hypocrisy, to hasten the pace of life, interpersonal accent, psychological imbalance, is seriously twist the human nature. man-made connate another nourish the psychological equilibrium of individual life and assure a relatively stable society, plays an important positive achieve.
personal life values, Western culture to induce people to pursue private material benefits, to encourage people for private fame and fortune and hard competition, led to for money and enjoyment of the desperate, so they make social and moral decay, unhealthy trends spread of growth. In contrast, Taoism believes that the value of life is not private fame and fortune, but to respect the Road Guide, the only road is to aspire for. to seek Road, must be maintain the serene and desire, possessions and return to Park's ideas, not for private fame and acquire substandard materials are tired, not for their own selfish desires and uncomfortable, and all maintain a kind of This will give better play to the individual genius, who can better reflect the true value was, accordingly promoting the harmonious development of society as a whole.

American Marine mural artiste Robert . Huai- Lan 21

American Marine mural artiste Robert . Huai- Lan 21, began in Los Angeles approach Long Beach Municipal ingenious portraits of the world's largest world apt encounter the daily Long Beach, within 24 hours extra than 12,and here apt {mentioapt to my mom,000 square meters indoor stadium on the roof of a monster earth map out patterns, said people ambition be able to quest through the Google Earth Web site saw this portrait of the Earth .
Wai Lan drawn in Long Beach Indoor Stadium Earth's portrait will be built as he led the world's largest mural ,toronto escorts, ; Ocean Planet Increase marine murals have been held on the eve of the Beijing Olympic Games final summer in Beijing to complete .
Earth Day originated in the United States on April 22 .1970 in the United States Democratic Senator Gaylord . Nelson and Harvard University student Dan Nice . Hayes initiatives and organizations , the United States hundreds of thousands of people involved in the heavy Earth Day activities to raise people's awareness of environmental conservation . Later,beijing escort, on April 22 each annual at the United Nations for the ;.
April 22 this year is the 40th On environmental issues .

and periodically the liver long shortness of breath

Spicy ginger: peppery property mall appraisal tin chance friends is very easy, merely the most laborious apt transform friends, the most solid foundation, for the txt talk and write from the center of the fact, for the sustenance of the people are suffering and call, because the sinking, the anxious surging consistent or tenacious.
these days were always received a call from Bo Zhu Daming, call content, but a greeting welcoming, seems to have no significant the theme tune, which can not aid but smile even have the proud of his virtually squint He would always be very cunning to sound very strange, it also had with him 30 years ago while the Red Guards had aloud advocated are instantly narrated to the experience, but also with his character as a developer in the words and arguments directly interlocked, absolutely, I have respect for Zhu Daming more against, respect for age is his sibling, but brother is by no means bear paw, that is a lot of very focused his remarks, but not so expensive as the coin. < br> I have said, Lao Zhu certainly energetic, however not Ren's combative,removal,beijing massage, but whichever more than the antique stamina and energy, a morsel favor a crazy rush grassland rodents in Africa, he wrote more, bigger and more misleading to the people deep, although fifty years old who worked hard entire daytime lighting oil boil spirit is commendable, but do no due to excessive crying, tired of the dawn, the physique but likewise to make money, online Zhu Daming not the same as in reality, by least an of humility and the nice so namely I can vaguely penetrate the eclipse of former scholar.
a vocal teacher but switched to the sea, the simple side naturally in only revealed in Kara OK, his voice very well, so He took the physical specifics used in the business and enjoy the blog, periodically highly rich, sometimes dance, sometimes slogan talk, and sometimes the liver long shortness of breath, but has always insisted the smell of chicken dancing tireless, I am really very respected big brother Ming , Although I have many times in my blog back over to his point of view, and had a advertisement incentive for the developer rejected the words of purpose, at least for advertisement purposes undressed persevere via the blog so far, neither is it a lively job .
Each period, I sat in front of the calculator before the fancy of ​​blog content and theme, I forever calculate, as a businessman scampering as the commerce Zhu Daming also nobody erroneous, but then I thought, if simply as their own profit and away from the people's livelihood Even if you win the whole world, finally? study to adjust to it, at the end of the day, huge forest, although some voices being disapproved, but it is the people's right to speak, unless you fly to Shanghai every day,shanghai massage, braving the hazard of creature bitten, Zhu Daming to cover your jaws and study to watch a movie, because even more treacherous than Zhu Daming more than a intelligent businessman to work, and some people not to bow to reality, it was no good can not afford early.
think of what to write Which, this is what I wrote the East West Yigun the wrong shot, say chopper, his current writing, the contents of the paperback, you can see just from the heading, Mr. chopper can diagram out the view from the other hand, China's property market after this year, really can be very good, no matter flowing out of the text from the pen point of view, or the reality of adjoin, all revealed a scholar of sorrow and grief and suffering, and his Petty, honest, conscience and aspirations of the people's livelihood, but also was the purpose of interest groups or people frequent harassment and attacks against him because of rock Caihong Laocai depend on developers to dine, Lao Zhu Zhu Daming opposition him because the marketing of the flats to be high, blunt instrument skirmish chopper stirred his people because of speculation in the property market a good object, when the remove day wrapped around in the chopper when the personality of their competitors, perhaps China property market view is good for a little voice of the people and the lust to measure very light, and then single, secretly amused.
different purposes, to live naturally is not the same trajectory, while the rich do not quit a little wine and mutton smell right, Zhu Daming wealthy businessman, at least for the money than the cow more, so you can emigrate to Australia, so it can Shangban Ye OK a singing karaoke, nightly blogging as a business see sly; livelihood of the needy coolies of old cow was but very persistent, so no money has no time to patronize the night market, individually from sleep Almost two-thirds of a day out of his time and energy for the people apply for the feeble cry, in fact, direction of life is defined by themselves, so the physical and mental suffering cow, Lao Zhu not merely full of intestinal portly head, was full of brain broth.
Lao Zhu is a former Red Guard, a high-sounding shriek the foundation of quotations, meantime the cow is a Hong Xiaobing that time equitable to catch up with the reopening of the premier bus, so naturally the inspire of age in the hereafter infected with traces of attitudes and values ​​of life, and meantime they were sitting in the Shanghai Bund in a pub, I do not see like-minded metropolis of desolation of cooking wine, but instead saw a businessman could not concern fewer impetus, as well as mediocre chilly haggard faces of students.
furnish to lose the old Chus Chu (pig), if his label is on the cattle, surely not to cow then told chopper, chopper named chopper afford to lose, otherwise, regardless of Lao Zhu will truly elected up indiscriminately chopper hh
not mention, the 2 voices are two another worlds, two animals in a drama, one is the disastrous animal, one unfortunate beast, which is the property market in the distraction or to be amused at the property market, is not essential However, after in this blog are the messages from friends and reviews are the most essential and I will work with you one more than ever the voice of Internet consumers peruse more carefully, to near pen to write a conclusion: cow pig Ye Hao Ye Hao If the heart with the people, what animals are very good!


Chinese name: Latin Literature Name Egret : Egretta garzetta
Name and Age : (Linnaeus,toronto escort, 1766)
characterization of category identification
Description: Medium size (60 cm) of the white heron. and Cattle Egret The inconsistency between the larger and slim body ,Postal Code 425006 Address Yongzhou Lingling District, jaws and legs black, yellow toes , propagating birds white, slender neck and back decorated with plumes , back and chest with Mino -like birds. Iris - yellow ; face bare skin yellow , In the propagating season is roseate ; jaws - black ; legs and feet - black, yellow toe . cry : at the nest group issued a croaking sound,toronto escort, the recess of the time silent. distribution : Africa, Europe, Asia and Oceania. Distribution Status: the subspecies is a general dweller and migratory birds , situated in southern China , Taiwan and Hainan Island. vagrants periodically to Beijing . Some birds winter in tropical places to overwinter . Habit : hello paddy fields , creek banks, waterfronts, mudflats and small coastal flows . into majority edible groups , often merged with additional types of groups. sometimes hunt as pillage in superficial water over the beach . night to fly back to habitat at the time was br> Door : Chordata gate (Chordata)
Class: Aves (Aves)
Head: Ciconiformes (Ciconiiformes)
Section: herons (Ardeidae)
is : egret (Egretta )
Chinese common name :
piano wire crane

snow off a cup of Chung Hoe

Egret Egret Little Egret
English common appoint
tiny Egret
Little Egret
synonyms :
Ardea garzetta Linnaeus, 1766
China Species Red List Assessment Level :
without hazard along to the criterion :
IUCN Red List : View ->
China Red Data Book rating : not included in the level of entry into force of the Red Book of China 's
: 1996
CITES Appendix: not included
CITES Appendix age of entry into force : 1997
citizen conservation levels: the level of protection is not comprised in the entrance into compel of the State 's
: 1989

no danger LC

in Feng Shui

so natural phenomenon, the formation of an aggregate of the mountain, Sichuan, creeks, and so the objective subsistence of material nature. So distant, we have also ; and other expressions.
the importance of the Kunlun orogenic strap in the northwest zone of ​​the Department. in archaic feng shui, the Kunlun Mountains apt the world that the ancestral mountain veins, all mountains are made by the Kunlun Mountains capillary, China was divided into three Qianlong (Yangtze River South,toronto escort, the medium Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, the Yellow River to the north of the compression plate, underground rock ambition form folds, mistakes and other geological conditions, while releasing some vigor.
We know thatconservation of energy, the energy unlocked is altered into temperature, power, biomass and other forms, causing air alteration, earthquakes and other normal phenomena, then the human body, through the shrewd energy of an impact on people's sensations,toronto asian escort, physical condition and other changes. people all Changes in this energy under the affect of seeing for a dynamic, consistent with the normal changes of harmony, to accomplish long-term to survive and amplify.
the foundation of survival, who is also a chapter of nature. Fengshui prestigious the source, the globe mountains can cater edible to people, to create a house of wood and other information on the survival of life. Our historical inquiry, the Yellow River, Yangtze River, the Nile basin, the Aegean Sea and other areas of perfected civilization who are near to water. This is phoned the gas br> Now, China's Yangtze River Delta, jewelry River Delta district is highly amplified economic, and the Songhua River basin in Northeast China had economy, and industry is well developed, because people do not have agreeable environmental awareness extra serious environmental harm, the Songhua River has also appeared in some areas drying up, which is the economy location in the delta gradually after it equitable coincidence? can not but reason people to reflect.
some scholars, such as exotic cities Moscow and Washington too made the appropriate feng shui evaluation, base that the pattern of these cities are too loyal with the basic requirements of Feng Shui. tin be discerned, both ancient and modern, cultural similarities and differences in the nature of people needs for survival are the same,you 2 ambition be a real bombard lover, in Feng Shui, the This is the

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Nature ---- pine insects ( moths ) 1
one, do not know the words to note the spelling .
Alma gap tandem incubation fruitful cilia perceive the petiole roam bother silking because
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two cozy fit , please use the curtate Bid out the answer in the text line .
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11, of the experiment to validate how the local pine Bubble is a sensory organ ?
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pine moth
1, do not understand the words to memorandum the spelling .
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If you mention that just apt partake in this movement for interest dictates, yet our true via investigation, thinking,shanghai escort, synopsis of conclusions while they base not only one accident , we need to convey is not restricted to some file and slogan , which Yes Yes everybody should have the moral sense , namely that everybody should bear a social duty : Make our surroundings,it namely prevailing tonamelyear is no End yet likewise apt the brothers and sisters, after hours, beginning from the side . Earth needs our consideration and a standing ovation each ,toronto escorts, for she Has been favor a mommy attention , feeding off us, so we grew up, to show their genii the competence to show how self-righteous , they do not meditation we have been profoundly impair ignorance and self-righteous mommy, she was truly hurt, this is a laborious to ignore The fact .

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he pointed out in the report

From Sirius, 31 January SaLuSa information
[Resources / Web Editor / Lily]
can not do without the occurrence of changes in the flow of energy to form a powerful mode of preoccupied, this prototype so that they may approach a growth stage of energy, this namely because human have formed the root of their goals. It follows alike cerebral for a mode of polymerization of a sudden, with the impetus to accomplish their aspirations. This is The new place in the earth, the are use of coerce against folk ambition no solve the real problem, at best tarry the unavoidable equitable occur. You can penetrate always the fashionable energy of the go, which instantly undermine the lag the cornerstone of the matter. Western countries are seeing along to truce and to take over, it was allowed to occur. This is also the current political rendezvous, based aboard the sincerity of those energetic folk who will be eligible to guide people into a new epoch of truce . We will not tolerate any fashion of violence, which also include those raspy sentencing as a legitimate method of punishment. anybody fashion of violence breeds extra violence (such as protest opposition the killing to protest against the war yet too belong to this category, merely by peaceable Another form of violence circle it), ashore the contrary, the real end to the violence,shanghai escort, merely adore, tolerance, cherish, cherish, these magnificent quality is the fundamental solution). love the any return, but for favor attracts favor and it is normal to remunerate, and this is also to influence others to inquire you not to violate their free will. In these present periods has a wonderful form of thinking with large approximately the Earth. It is representative of the , my darling, when you contribute your love and light, they will not be consumed or invalid, merely preferably the rate of growth until it is thought to bring the aspirations of the results. your devotion will be donated behind to you ten times , and it further the Earth from the level of preoccupying more energy. each of you to do so are helping to construct at the moment is nigh you forming the This is the Phoenix with entire the commitments entered into going to effect great goals? we place the interests of your heart, and in the preparation of the road, so you can jump access out of the amount duality of the wheel to the mar as small as possible to effect. alteration because they the very elite of the performance of the solicitude and discomfort, but we will allow them to complete as rapidly as possible. This is true, because we will first optimize the accident will not proceed to develop, and you will not lose anything.
is more than just And you may understand they have been exposed with their own, even in the most recent increase in frequency. These masters have to go closer, and some of them, such as Saint-Germain will be in your final preparation for the ascension to melodrama a prominent character. He who is familiar with you have been, he came back, we will guide you into the new lea, and will accomplish the agree of thousands of years ago all of your commitments, and whether you absence help, please call Them. This the most wonderful moment in the marking to you, if you want you can be concluded that the boost in the cycle, portion time. as a way cleared it, they no longer cater to your appetite to achieve. Do not allow yourself to worry about are those that are still relatively low by this vibration is holding the people, because they are even now prepared to give up the temptation of these lower vibrations. You seen on Earth insolent and polluted words comesintoseffect the absence of esteem for others, it is a state of existence of the marrow from the other care and love the result of gradual erosion. However, if you want the loveliness and harmony into your life to replace the negate, then the lower vibration will certainly be neutralized. you are continuing to appraise their approximate and attitude (that is, self-awareness force) to identify what is customary and befitting, and as you chance more piercing eyes, so you will discard what is no longer with you agreeable entity. The result is the consecutive promotion of your vibration, and will feel this the main chapter. You will notice that the mass media, including TV and movie time to cost a disproportionate value of crime and highlight the war, until it is this energy to the rupturing up. This is how the dingy forces you into the vibration of their in the so insensitive to you for anything, then you are in the medium of a dangerous situation, and lost you for a basic sense of right and wrong.
lasted a long time, the embodiment of either tutors or by-pass means of the Spirit have been trying to enhance those you can put your information in details. They must introduce you to the comprehensive, the lower level of energy will corrode you. You have to know is help with your real more to instruct the people, have been base in the final - all the perception in the I comprehend the difficulties you encountered. I would say the congratulated with, with pure awareness and knowledge. Thank you SaLuSa. Mike Quinsey.Website: Tree of the Golden Light Translator: U2 Awakening
invite friends quickly began a vegetarian! 『pure alphabetical Vegetarian: does not contain any animal by joining green edible 』!! save the planet!!!
Vegetarian - vegetarian bring harmony in your body will let Psychosomatic light and happy. because of eating vegetarian, and my heart did not kill the bear crime, so no matter when it is all simple vegetarian psychological ecology. long-term vegetarian, people must enjoy the wonderful benefits of a vegetarian diet.
· 1 kg of beef = 36.4 kg of carbon dioxide. choose vegetarian low carbon way of life, to alleviate make a contribution to global warming! I do not anxiety about vegetarian nutrition, health, how to do? Click here to give you the respond
vegetarian healthy spirit of joy will make people noble soul University of British Columbia Dr. Han Dingdun the people gut the anatomical analysis, he pointed out in the report: Where carnivores, and their intestines are short, the great intestine is straight and smooth. where vegetarian animals, colossal intestine small intestine width and long. because the meat fibers less, do not must slow absorption, Therefore, short bowel predators. but do not digest factory fiber, you need to slow digestion, so vegetarians intestinal width. our intestines are five meters long, if the meat, then meat will linger also long in the intestine meantime the body to produce definite toxins, increased burden of liver and kidney, and the cholesterol and saturated portly of meat can occasion cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. You can say that meat is the erasure of the body's own harmony criminal. a lot of scientific research shows that vegetarian food helps sarcoma, diabetes, low blood sugar control asthma, obesity, osteoporosis, hypertension and gall stones and other diseases
vegetarian - to bring harmony in your body long-term vegetarian, it has been wonderful to enjoy the benefits of a vegetarian. from the psychological aspect, the vegetarian will Psychosomatic people light and cheerful. because of eating vegetarian, and my heart did not kill the sense of guilt, so no matter when the vegetarian nature of psychological always easy. Our archaic sages have long understood this, so the morale of all the angels is extremely enjoyable. Zhuangzi Yun: the body.
meat and ailment, go hand in hand, mutton higher the degree of civilization, the higher the proportion of patients, health departments should splice great magnitude to these phenomena and propose countermeasures. vegetarian reduce carbon emissions and dilute disease, Quo more self-serving. First World War, Denmark was federal blockade, in response to food shortages ,1917-1918 National 300 million people were forced to vegetarian, unexpected result is that the mortality of the population than in the past 18 years really decreased almost 34%, this vegetarian experiment gives us inspiration is vegetarian friends, bravery to shout: administrate begin a vegetarian!
just SMTV extract essential sentence on the video: Every 5 seconds a baby dies of hunger! night 1 billion people go to bed hungry ... ...,overlooking anything. Since transforming scarce! vegetarian food can get twenty million people! Start a vegetarian, today to save lives! Veg, provide food for the people of the world! Go Green to Save the Planet! friends do you absence to save lives?
welcome to reprint as more more people can see
invite you to take the carbon footprint per person per year:
meatless vegetarian can significantly reduce the carbon footprint
1. carnivore's carbon emissions equivalent to driving 4758 cars to drive a middling km;
2. vegetarians carbon emissions equivalent to driving 2427 km to drive a medium car, almost half;
3. vegan diet's carbon emissions equivalent to mid-sized automobile voyaging 629 kilometers,beijing escort, is a carnivore's seventh, less 87%;
4. Organic Vegan carbon emissions equivalent to mid-sized car traveling 281 kilometers, less than meat eaters 94%;
5. Organic Vegan reduce carbon emissions 94% to reduce greenhouse gases, Go Green, Save the Earth.
you and me from the start!
solve global warming crisis and the most direct and effective way to
free vegan diet is organic!
sources :
star vegetarian reaction apt carbon cutback in Copenhagen called
noted artists: Gao Yuanyuan, Liang Tao, Zeng Li, Zheng Jun, Back Dorm Boys,
Peng Tan, Terry Lin, jointly launched dragon wide environmental public bulletin Monday Please vegetarian

Love Tip:
pure vegetarian diet you select, do not use products containing animal elements,
animals and save lives, defend the environment, save the planet!!
FAO: Livestock produce more greenhouse gases than a car. Please vegetarian, make a contribution to the global surroundings!

06 月 17 World Day apt Combat Desertification and Drought

Second: Environmental Protection
average so blue, and blue manner life; to all life ashore Earth could survive the wind and water, merely also to make our blue planet into a star, a full star of life. However, nature in the human face of the bizarre and periodically become speed up tough to manage the.
a resounding slogan final year, the world's who has the liability! land, who do not ambition to face that blows fresh air, Emerald hills, bright and clean water, blue sky is always exhibited to the human vitality.
Since archaic periods, Yu overrun control from the Three Gorges Project, the lead today, from the Goddess make days apt build a green walls, all this reflects the Chinese folk apt protect all of nature, become the nature of the ambitions of Western Ontario. My friends, we ought also keen to connect maintain the blue, so that the normal forest is always green, and blue waves of the creek is always so shine and wash hh nice work,the lake looked favor falling into the same. Oh!
friends, let us all remember: the people, only one earth!
see pan What is the emotion? Yes, it is our home - Earth! while we enjoy the savory,shanghai escort, is no thought about the feelings of the Earth?
global warming, the topic can not be ignored ...
Should we just mark the birthday of the world??? if it were not for improve the situation of universal warming, at 2100 they (the bears) will become extinct. aid for renewable resources and decrease carbon dioxide emissions in mandate to save it and ourselves! < br> If the earth is green ...... continued deforestation lost, Titan will be not location to hide. caring for the environment, but also a freedom of the birds of the sky.
nature can not be recycled ... Do not let all the ruins. The earth is our mommy, protecting the planet is to protect the mother.
surely tin not recycling ... Do not let all the mars. erasure of the environment, the human equivalent of suicide.
If we continue to demolish it, is leap to have been back to nature .. do not let the beasts supplanted and roaming approximately. They,toronto escorts, like us, are mains of this planet. solid garbage, continuing suicide poison. [We need to clean] Otherwise, they are feeding you grew up. [ ,],[trees it] should not be a cmd racks home. [Let us factory extra trees it] is not a tree, the dog can not detect the target ...
02 月 02 Day World Wetlands Day
02 International Meteorological Day March 10 月 12 日
03 Arbor Day
03 月 21 issue of World Forest Day
03 月 23
04 World Meteorological Day World Health Day 月 07 月
04 22 Earth Day
06 月 05 World Environment Day
06 月 17 World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
09 月 14 Day World Earth Day Clean
09 月 16 Day International Ozone Layer Protection Day
10 second Wednesday
International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction

weaning the 1st apt ascertain land finance .. spring

3.8 ,and escorted Edge of the mattress stood up. So
Huacheng beauty congratulating Two , the dilemma ! Two days? Please do not for the Prime Minister of dissemination apt target open .. Xieshang Wei : tourism,toronto escort, real possession , long-term below the better .. Xie Yifeng : Gun fight the suggestion on behalf of the conservation of housing costs down in June approximately Hainan Xi Central Railway Full capacity plan for real estate companies,beijing escort, the purchasing power of the best witness tragic ---- Purple .. suggestions Humen Vanke two : weaning the premier to find land finance .. spring , positiveness , trust , duty, wish! tariffs may be the premier Four developers have control of the final arms of honesty , probity, the quality of righteousness Chen Yan : Chinese upstarts are disdained 705550932co guozhengming11 in Japan

China Sichuan earthquake Richter.

(PEP) the end of sixth grade moral and social questions (a)
an, fill in the vacant (43 points)
1,2008 day of May, China Sichuan earthquake Richter.
2, presented at the Bandung Conference of Peaceful Coexistence.
3, the role of the United Nations is:,,
4, six-year vocation coming to an end of primary school before graduation for some of the words gave the students alternatively instructors.
5, the 5 permanent members of the United Nations,,,,
6, the mascot of the Olympics is that their names are:
7,says namely folk have too transform customary apt over the wintapt to take a tonic. Since then, entire is the general aspiration of people approximately the world appeal
8, the war will send the people idea, and 9, a lot of time, the casualties caused by disasters is deserving to people caused by their actions, therefore, learn the necessary conditions to decrease casualties .
10, normal disasters, yet when catastrophe comes, we constantly see scenes
11, is our source of life, we ought always be
12, mankind Only the survival of their homes, he provides us with a heap of
13, is the Earth's lungs, is the industry's edible
14, when the rebuttal with the students, we should muse approximately
15 , get forward with folk, Confucius said:,
16, when with their parents and elders the contradiction, to learn to express their own minds style, to work for mutual
17, patronizing at best friend , absolutely no, and on monetary help, but those opinions,toronto escorts, chat, the outpouring of sympathy and compliment
Second, make sure the question (7 points)
1, no matter who the true friends that I have to assist me bully retaliate ()
2, one earthquake can bound from the terrace ()
3, the overrun is water, you can beverage. ()
4, each country's own business themselves, do not distress State ()
5,beijing escort, the psychological trauma caused by the battle namely difficult apt heal ()
6, the Second World War broke out in 1939. ()
7, earthquakes, and I strive to sprint outdoor the classroom, hell array is the mandate ()
III Lianliankan (10 points)
4 月 22 World Environment Day
6 月 17 Day World Wetlands Day
2 月 2 Day World Earth Day
June 5th World Water Day
3 月 22
Second World Earth Day, I know (10 points)
each day we dart away in the trash:
can recycling are: that we should:
ambition seriously taint the context are: we should:
Fourth, think about it, write it down (每小题 15 points)
1, when the Olympic Games where held? for the Olympics what can you do?
2, where a few days ahead the earthquake in China? you kick what students want to mention?

summer rain

Child of nature : the wind and rain
everyone is versed with the wind and rain , because we constantly handle with. vagaries of wind and rain namely truly 2 sisters : Sometimes waves of warm spring wind sister , sister is drizzling rain , and sometimes Sister cool breeze wind waves , rain is a tiny bit of light rain hh sister, 2 sisters always doing in harmony , staged a good show out of the compliment of nature .
numerous different types of air , are: spring , summer wind, autumn Winter air, breeze , breeze, breeze and so on. Speaking of wind, I like the summer wind. In the peppery summer, the perspiration of our raiment are always watery , then , a chilly breeze beating, so I felt cozy. Sometimes the wind Gently blowing ,toronto escorts, just like her mommy 's hand on touching my face , full of love ; periodically splendid sound of the wind to appease me ,toronto escorts, as my mother alongside me Qingyin Nocturne , this always makes me feel good .
Many different types of rain , with rain , summer rain , autumn , winter rain , drizzle , drizzling rain coming hh bring life to the globe , maintaining the factories aboard the earth , the rain to bring the earth,toronto escort, the plants favor it; rain New look coming to the earth ; rain puddles brought down to the agreeable sound of rain falling on the tiles , giving off a sweet sound , they always play a song devoted melody of nature .
but they too ; vexed, Said the United States every annual from 1000 to 1500 there too,beijing massage! Similarly, the rain sister also Humans. They want to Topics related articles:

Sunday, April 24, 2011


6, Butler ( San Antonio )
last season, though merely New York 's third center , but it is rare league hub efficiency , and his file does no look good, but do not forget his playing period is only 13.5 Minutes. Go behind the Spurs , Popovich does not anticipate how nice he can play , there namely Duncan in the side, barricade is his only need to release the power of the location .
2005-06 season, averaging 5.3 points 3.3 rebounds and 0.56 blocked shots , field efficiency of integrated value : 14.79
2006-07 season player efficiency integrated value: 18.26 (prediction )

Saturday, April 23, 2011

pair tin hike in the depths of the ocean

Mr. Shark absences the witnesses while you do?
(Beidaihe Beidaihe, Shanhaiguan, Shanhaiguan tourism, in Qinhuangdao, children travel)
Results even the rationale for the Golden Week. the moment, it namely increasingly advocating the new distinctive, personalized marriage, as a way to remember this excellent and elated moments!
It is understood namely continued success in 2005 National Day , the melody should be the individual absences of the island, in 2007, hand darling associate for your whole foot on the isle music preparation of commitment to complete the holy and new wedding ritual. happy island with blue sky, clear water, neat environment and the unique Sands of the hardware strengths to attain the new people's Happy sweet, you can likewise experience the rich marine ventures, fun and tourism to bring the joy of Carnival stimulation. chic romantic ocean wedding couples and guests are leap to bring the best new memory hh
mandate to entirely enjoy the romantic novel marine wedding, island music and the rides will be combined with the wedding and did a unique composition of innovation.
couples can join into a fashionable set of massive sailor carnival apt experience an exciting phantasmal fairy tale ; because the couple and raised in the circulation, the consciousness like flying in the sky, and whether the exposure to fluctuations in the ocean undulator, amusement; between for the couple for passion. marine carnival rides and extra, send extra joy because the couple and moved.
couple can hike in the depths of the ocean, circled along cordial and soft, flowing water, such as between the sweethearts mutter sweet words, and like the well-being escorted at them to pick the fruit; lively pearly whales, dolphins and additional marine beasts are like new best male maid of prestige, a congratulating for them to carry a sea to witness the feelings of their innocence; and gorgeous the coral for the wedding of pure bright color to join a 1.
as fantastic world, a Haikushilan sentiments, the prettiness of a timeless fable, it will be a quite exquisite look forward to the wedding.
(Beidaihe Beidaihe, Shanhaiguan, Shanhaiguan tourism, in Qinhuangdao, babies voyage)

Friday, April 22, 2011

are green medication.

- suddenly away suddenly approximate relations, feelingful misty

- seems innocent, pure cute

phenomenon: the take over your pen when she was a natural clutch of your hand; you instruct her how to modify the file, she was not leap to close to you; and You excitedly how she dreams last night, her face close to you; your clasps off, and she without any explanation, to help you sew. you and her, very jealous of understanding with other people, often just a look, a gesture, the other to take the imply the. Interpretation: I do not know how to narrate this relationship among male and feminine colleagues, it was said that aliens often say that the of interpersonal commutes, the natural formation of male-female relationships of joint trust. If people say they like the husband and wife, they will not hesitate to quake his head, , as long as this society, or men and women sub-bath, monogamy, then a appropriate distance from men and women is unbreakable fact. Even if a woman warm and generous to you, no evil thoughts, even now you have such roots as complacent, but as a responsible men, should have their own sense of propriety, have to not lose the greater, the donkey lost forepaw.

phenomenon: She does not like women of color movie, met handsome guy to throw away paperbacks, and then stuck his base emptied , or crouch down, low-lead exposure in the spring. but she is definitely a master of sale its own flair. Her clothe sexy mainstream, swinging her light wading pose. She is best at hair flowing from the refusal, so you can withstand heart. When you foolish staring back looked up by her, she look behind, smiling, I really do not understand this time where your intellects in the. Interpretation: she loves in front of men, tease, but She does not average you The cause why models act in front of you step, merely show your body, but also some of her appreciation of the asset you this dynamic man, may be her afterward goal to overcome. Solution: In my attitude, this woman the best deal. and she met polite nod and smile. In compliment while she needs you, sincerely say, She then why not enjoy the sensibility of superiority. a long time, she gradually realized that you're just out of manners and friendship, obliged her beauty, but not much else.

phenomenon: even though she is not your wife, but she It noiselessly caring for you, so you can feel the genuineness of her warm. your tolerate made her abdomen silently put aboard your desk; your bad mood, she lost no time in launching the masses, organizing a party, make you happy. and she, just a background planner. your tie winding, she can not be found in the others, the help you correct it. you down the office, she quietly send give you one umbrella. Just when you think she is needless, when suddenly the sky smokes rolling, so you have to adore her for her concern. Interpretation: She is not pretty, not outstanding. at home, hardworking moderate; out, she tried hard. Because of her childhood was an hideous duckling, in great beneath the concern of human do not care, grew silent, so she never had too many wishful thinking. However, God is not fair, she ups and downs in this life is always precarious, Perhaps the very poor. Although she apology, but who can help warm her cold heart? Solution: This is a simple kind of a good woman, within its capacity to a standing ovation her. For her, you need not buffet around the woods. When you stretch hand to help her, she found you in this life to the friends. But one thing, do not be alone with her a long time in a room, for your family, and to her peace.

phenomenon: is to get your attention, or simply failing to appreciate you? her words always cynical, particularly in the presence of a digit of beautiful face, her voice is not high not low, lukewarm, hear the total card like a fishbone in the larynx. You give every human an apple, she took the apple in his hand playing with, faint smile and said: difficult it! the eyes should not be dirt. on ways of the world are very sensitive, also with a bit contracted warm heart. you in her heart, not necessarily the best staff, but it is her very much appreciate the man. you know, she could idea man, this world not many, and you may be her life's dream. countermeasure: a raspy word to her, you smile. In her publicly jeering you, do not Lengyu back her, may wish to emulate her words, the evolved into a serious heading of the original joke. In this access, she would sincerely admire your charity. Of course, at the right time, you can also Banqimiankong, said she was a few words. let her kas long asyou are very concerned about her. to this class, they're all risky. so you do not go later, but looking back at her; not alone with her appointment; not to talk with a personal sense of ** color.

phenomenon: she was willing to separate talking to you. In fact, men and women homemade lesbian friends, and then customary. She constantly whether you speak almost the suffering of the home and wedding, unfortunately, still a tiny room with words of appreciation to you, then you tin not remain indifferent . Her husband complained to you without reservation, the incompetence of mediocre, idle sloppy, arbitrary, know style. In this house, she is better than wall tin fall. Interpretation: First of entire, you really confidence her to you for the ideal man. She may not want to wed you, because her bones still streaming orthodox moral philosophy. The key namely that women, most depressed in mood, and even her own energy and you can not differentiate to what amplitude evolution. Solution: Everyone knows namely family conflicts, not 1 to not advantage. she wanted in front of you in understanding the , will fall to pour out their grievances and babies. In the same time to comfort her, to main a principle: we can not mention bad things almost her husband, not to say, not understand the implications. You can let her meditation extra about the avails of her husband.

phenomenon: This reminds me of a fictional - , are often willing to on this when. I would like to remind the men one: When a woman in front of you in the Kanda Shan eloquently, when you see the face of a woman's panic of cockroaches and bravery to stand in front of her, I hard to say, you are smart or fatuous. Interpretation: a woman is not mentally impeded. most women alone at home, not looked down on the damn cockroaches. Whether it is . However, almost all women, their heart of hearts, like to feel pampered. When they know that, inadvertently demonstrated in their so-called mentally handicapped and shy, so that the proud the men rushed for their free world, that Men who are self-inflicted, may melodrama willing to persevere! point few words, study some convergence in the face of a woman, knight can do, emotion of the answer. women are not the moon, the man is not Zeus.

- Reform of the praise you, wait and see the world state

- physical access to sensitive, but no repellent

along the woman's prefer, of course, proud man. If a marital woman, often to dingy to send you can be accounted for, right, on her own, are green medication.

- face to face flirtation, and exposed without colors

- primp weak and sickly, looking concerned < / p>

phenomenon: however not to advert her conspicuous beauty, there is sort of beauty. She has a pair of talking eyes, cheeks that streaks of spread hair, and slightly wrinkled brow, live beauty like a disease, so that men could not bear to let her involvement. her cordial man, kind-hearted, small ventilation discourse. but she cleverly resolved silly lords who would willingly, even via fire and water, also without anybody hesitation. Although you weary like a three grandchildren, as long as she was affectionate and timid to cry you is also a cool exciting, not tired. Interpretation: In order to defend feeble women, most men have the elemental gentleman intricate. Then the man, it is lovely, warm and silly. Of way, in her fragile arrival, has a delicate and tough to find lull. So, she can tell you is that her most trusted men. Solution: Do not think she was using you, in this big huge globe, normal culling, survival of the fittest. weakness as help, but also her instincts. you are most nice is all cared about her, but lest spite with other men. In her too arrogant, you may hope to wait and watch far, and hope her happy; in front of her chilly, you still have to rotate back without publicity to love her. Of course, You ought all let her know thatyour assist is concerned about big brother, the only shared with a clear sky.

- no reason for you angry, agitated

- often beat about the bush, soft in the barbed

- concerned about your life, a pretty good mind

phenomenon: the calm water of her personality, she The man prudent and naturalistic. Again, shipshape appearance and fitting for your words and actions, so she dumped; your calm and resolute able to make her impressed. So, like her close to you unknowingly, intentionally praise your completions. even your little problems, she also disregarded. she always praise you afterward, will the air blows, pay attention to your response. Interpretation: She is often a well-being and leisure of the woman, her husband deserving diligence, love his wife. drawback is that the man creature handsome, rigid kind. It made her feel a bit lost every now and then, it seems there is always deep inside the block of virgin land, the people are waiting for your preference open. Solution: When you praise her, if you obtain tall, it is the biggest defect of a man lost elegance. In under the premise of friendly, keep a clear head; in the circumstance of meek calm, with her reciprocity. Such women, as family and friends make the best. So if possible, let your wife and her sister commensurate with her eyes to see harmony to your family is happy. so that she empty heart, both to find satisfaction, but also stop here.

phenomenon: Actually, after a long scamper, colleagues, friends, long distance relationship stereotypes, and at peace. But Her uncommon, and made you disturbed and disoriented, ridiculous. She put a carton of dumplings this afternoon, soon fell when you bang on the chart, and then walk out tomorrow a.m. and I do not know what a big deal because Pishi, and your face wrecking floor adorned some dialectic. you have not said how she, her neb a tear to a anger, so that you quandary. Interpretation: This is a typical temperament woman. She is willing and sincere with you, but looked around and indecisive ; she wants you to understand her heart, but worried that he is wishful thinking. Tracing the source, she had a painful feeling of the past. She was a princess on university, parents of dear, grow up, from the tip of love, turbulent falls down. faint marks made in the antique pain, your attention, so she did not defiance want to love, unable to stop. Solution: find the best time, and she alone going on at homemade. not talk about feelings, but to patiently listen to her tell the elapse . no material what her mistakes and tribulations, you have to look at her with honest, with tolerance, understanding her words. Finally, you let her see it in your arms, family portrait photographs, talk about your love article This apparently there to make friends with her, but in fact suggests that your family is happy.

phenomenon : co-workers, she really assorted. sometimes you smile, it is that you are her even if it is a music stamp, sit in front of her either, so would rather not. you give her a little warm, she will cherish; you inadvertently bypass her presence, she pedaled to distraction, and even of decease. Some say that she favor the jungle sister denied, she fair want to be her own. Interpretation: a poor sorrowful matron, one of the most want to adore, but adore a woman the most. you can assume, her infancy is quite unfortunate, or spoiled, in her exterior prettiness , do women secret bitterness and narcissism. In adding, she was very lusty decision and adore life. but she unattended can not be squared, that is their rightful location and opinions. Solution: Do not intentionally in front of her recognition of additional women , it can not be also tolerant of her disabilities; not and her common perception, and do not unprincipled obedience. either in public recognition of her, but also single out her deficiencies. In short, her heart sinking, brittle, you must gently, polite and restrained.

- complaints pessimistic marriage, miserable


Our Earth is beautiful, warm and viable, we must protect the earth, concerning for the earth, how to protect and enthusiasm for it? We will begin small. If the world will retention a small piece of paper and fade away a tree so the earth not so cute !
had the earth is a beautiful beautiful girl, there are a myriad of sea, lush forests, but we usually dart periodical, muddle spit, so that the Earth is getting messy, so we will feel the consequences sooner alternatively later, dust storms is the Earth published a warning to our humanity:
Protect the Earth! protect our own homes now! looked bright flag, we ought adore, defend earth, protect the context now!
Earth mm people life The world is our mama. mountains and the earth is the mother's rind, rills and lakes is the mother's blood, this harmony of nature for we created a pretty family, providing the activities of the stage. ashore this planet still live with us neighbors, our partners mm biodiversity, so that human life chromatic. is such a large like survival of the earth to provide us with nutrition, congratulate our life for generations multiply, creating a agreeable and beautiful because us entire .
But is such a great and selfless, generous devotion of the Earth, long ago, was brutally seizing human mercilessly destroyed. Now, the earth moans issued cry: Save me mm human existence home! protect me it mm human absences environment! this moaning wail sounded the fear for the human, so we rock and reflect: Looking behind, who is indiscriminate deforestation, over-exploitation, flood Gengmu that destroyed his mother's face, making her age haggard, no bright; and back, who is the mother's blood gushed venom sewage, so that she no longer pure clean, lost vitality; Looking back, who is brutally slaying poison the other category, so we lost neighbors, partners, etc., etc., these uncivilized and unscientific operations to make the globe angry: ecological imbalance, torrents, the earth's surface is too a fever ...... generous nature, warning signs, to the human its toll-mm calamities revenge! At the same period the earth cry: Do you now civilized, scientific point it! additional category are too asking: Do you euthanasia, and let us live it friendly!
Suddenly, Ever human senses, we should treat the earth, she is our mother ah! we should treat neighbors, she is our partner ah! Ever since, we have environmental conservation, with the Treaty people-oriented economic, the harmonious development and sustainable is the testimony; make the sky bluer, to be more green, more clean water is proven.
human solemn promise: We will protect the earth, treat his mother; we will protect the neighbors, remedy associate ! amuse the Earth deem that about to, the earth will return to the green life, the river will return to clean stamina, to clone juvenile and beautiful mother; asked the neighbors deem that the approach hereafter, the spring will no longer be solitary, procreate flowers, because: one smart man In the struggle, struggle hard-working Chinese people, are extra environmentally responsible in the tireless exertions!