Wednesday, April 27, 2011

he pointed out in the report

From Sirius, 31 January SaLuSa information
[Resources / Web Editor / Lily]
can not do without the occurrence of changes in the flow of energy to form a powerful mode of preoccupied, this prototype so that they may approach a growth stage of energy, this namely because human have formed the root of their goals. It follows alike cerebral for a mode of polymerization of a sudden, with the impetus to accomplish their aspirations. This is The new place in the earth, the are use of coerce against folk ambition no solve the real problem, at best tarry the unavoidable equitable occur. You can penetrate always the fashionable energy of the go, which instantly undermine the lag the cornerstone of the matter. Western countries are seeing along to truce and to take over, it was allowed to occur. This is also the current political rendezvous, based aboard the sincerity of those energetic folk who will be eligible to guide people into a new epoch of truce . We will not tolerate any fashion of violence, which also include those raspy sentencing as a legitimate method of punishment. anybody fashion of violence breeds extra violence (such as protest opposition the killing to protest against the war yet too belong to this category, merely by peaceable Another form of violence circle it), ashore the contrary, the real end to the violence,shanghai escort, merely adore, tolerance, cherish, cherish, these magnificent quality is the fundamental solution). love the any return, but for favor attracts favor and it is normal to remunerate, and this is also to influence others to inquire you not to violate their free will. In these present periods has a wonderful form of thinking with large approximately the Earth. It is representative of the , my darling, when you contribute your love and light, they will not be consumed or invalid, merely preferably the rate of growth until it is thought to bring the aspirations of the results. your devotion will be donated behind to you ten times , and it further the Earth from the level of preoccupying more energy. each of you to do so are helping to construct at the moment is nigh you forming the This is the Phoenix with entire the commitments entered into going to effect great goals? we place the interests of your heart, and in the preparation of the road, so you can jump access out of the amount duality of the wheel to the mar as small as possible to effect. alteration because they the very elite of the performance of the solicitude and discomfort, but we will allow them to complete as rapidly as possible. This is true, because we will first optimize the accident will not proceed to develop, and you will not lose anything.
is more than just And you may understand they have been exposed with their own, even in the most recent increase in frequency. These masters have to go closer, and some of them, such as Saint-Germain will be in your final preparation for the ascension to melodrama a prominent character. He who is familiar with you have been, he came back, we will guide you into the new lea, and will accomplish the agree of thousands of years ago all of your commitments, and whether you absence help, please call Them. This the most wonderful moment in the marking to you, if you want you can be concluded that the boost in the cycle, portion time. as a way cleared it, they no longer cater to your appetite to achieve. Do not allow yourself to worry about are those that are still relatively low by this vibration is holding the people, because they are even now prepared to give up the temptation of these lower vibrations. You seen on Earth insolent and polluted words comesintoseffect the absence of esteem for others, it is a state of existence of the marrow from the other care and love the result of gradual erosion. However, if you want the loveliness and harmony into your life to replace the negate, then the lower vibration will certainly be neutralized. you are continuing to appraise their approximate and attitude (that is, self-awareness force) to identify what is customary and befitting, and as you chance more piercing eyes, so you will discard what is no longer with you agreeable entity. The result is the consecutive promotion of your vibration, and will feel this the main chapter. You will notice that the mass media, including TV and movie time to cost a disproportionate value of crime and highlight the war, until it is this energy to the rupturing up. This is how the dingy forces you into the vibration of their in the so insensitive to you for anything, then you are in the medium of a dangerous situation, and lost you for a basic sense of right and wrong.
lasted a long time, the embodiment of either tutors or by-pass means of the Spirit have been trying to enhance those you can put your information in details. They must introduce you to the comprehensive, the lower level of energy will corrode you. You have to know is help with your real more to instruct the people, have been base in the final - all the perception in the I comprehend the difficulties you encountered. I would say the congratulated with, with pure awareness and knowledge. Thank you SaLuSa. Mike Quinsey.Website: Tree of the Golden Light Translator: U2 Awakening
invite friends quickly began a vegetarian! 『pure alphabetical Vegetarian: does not contain any animal by joining green edible 』!! save the planet!!!
Vegetarian - vegetarian bring harmony in your body will let Psychosomatic light and happy. because of eating vegetarian, and my heart did not kill the bear crime, so no matter when it is all simple vegetarian psychological ecology. long-term vegetarian, people must enjoy the wonderful benefits of a vegetarian diet.
· 1 kg of beef = 36.4 kg of carbon dioxide. choose vegetarian low carbon way of life, to alleviate make a contribution to global warming! I do not anxiety about vegetarian nutrition, health, how to do? Click here to give you the respond
vegetarian healthy spirit of joy will make people noble soul University of British Columbia Dr. Han Dingdun the people gut the anatomical analysis, he pointed out in the report: Where carnivores, and their intestines are short, the great intestine is straight and smooth. where vegetarian animals, colossal intestine small intestine width and long. because the meat fibers less, do not must slow absorption, Therefore, short bowel predators. but do not digest factory fiber, you need to slow digestion, so vegetarians intestinal width. our intestines are five meters long, if the meat, then meat will linger also long in the intestine meantime the body to produce definite toxins, increased burden of liver and kidney, and the cholesterol and saturated portly of meat can occasion cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. You can say that meat is the erasure of the body's own harmony criminal. a lot of scientific research shows that vegetarian food helps sarcoma, diabetes, low blood sugar control asthma, obesity, osteoporosis, hypertension and gall stones and other diseases
vegetarian - to bring harmony in your body long-term vegetarian, it has been wonderful to enjoy the benefits of a vegetarian. from the psychological aspect, the vegetarian will Psychosomatic people light and cheerful. because of eating vegetarian, and my heart did not kill the sense of guilt, so no matter when the vegetarian nature of psychological always easy. Our archaic sages have long understood this, so the morale of all the angels is extremely enjoyable. Zhuangzi Yun: the body.
meat and ailment, go hand in hand, mutton higher the degree of civilization, the higher the proportion of patients, health departments should splice great magnitude to these phenomena and propose countermeasures. vegetarian reduce carbon emissions and dilute disease, Quo more self-serving. First World War, Denmark was federal blockade, in response to food shortages ,1917-1918 National 300 million people were forced to vegetarian, unexpected result is that the mortality of the population than in the past 18 years really decreased almost 34%, this vegetarian experiment gives us inspiration is vegetarian friends, bravery to shout: administrate begin a vegetarian!
just SMTV extract essential sentence on the video: Every 5 seconds a baby dies of hunger! night 1 billion people go to bed hungry ... ...,overlooking anything. Since transforming scarce! vegetarian food can get twenty million people! Start a vegetarian, today to save lives! Veg, provide food for the people of the world! Go Green to Save the Planet! friends do you absence to save lives?
welcome to reprint as more more people can see
invite you to take the carbon footprint per person per year:
meatless vegetarian can significantly reduce the carbon footprint
1. carnivore's carbon emissions equivalent to driving 4758 cars to drive a middling km;
2. vegetarians carbon emissions equivalent to driving 2427 km to drive a medium car, almost half;
3. vegan diet's carbon emissions equivalent to mid-sized automobile voyaging 629 kilometers,beijing escort, is a carnivore's seventh, less 87%;
4. Organic Vegan carbon emissions equivalent to mid-sized car traveling 281 kilometers, less than meat eaters 94%;
5. Organic Vegan reduce carbon emissions 94% to reduce greenhouse gases, Go Green, Save the Earth.
you and me from the start!
solve global warming crisis and the most direct and effective way to
free vegan diet is organic!
sources :
star vegetarian reaction apt carbon cutback in Copenhagen called
noted artists: Gao Yuanyuan, Liang Tao, Zeng Li, Zheng Jun, Back Dorm Boys,
Peng Tan, Terry Lin, jointly launched dragon wide environmental public bulletin Monday Please vegetarian

Love Tip:
pure vegetarian diet you select, do not use products containing animal elements,
animals and save lives, defend the environment, save the planet!!
FAO: Livestock produce more greenhouse gases than a car. Please vegetarian, make a contribution to the global surroundings!

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