Thursday, April 28, 2011

extra than 1.1 billion in 1988

13 year annual
2 月 2 Environment Day International Wetlands Day
1971 年 2 on 2 May in Ramsar, Iran signed a global inter-governmental Convention on Wetlands, Waterfowl Habitat, Convention on Wetlands of International Importance 2 as World Wetlands Day. use this day, government agencies, colossal and small organizations and citizens tin take action to raise public awareness of wetland merits ​​and benefits of knowledge, especially knowledge of the Convention on Wetlands.
3 月 12 Arbor Day at the Chinese
the establishment of Arbor Day in Nebraska, the United States on April 10 .1872 Morton in Nebraska Landscape Association held a meeting, intended the establishment of great importance to Day. the state has adopted Morton The proposal to set April 10 for the State's Arbor Day,shanghai escort, and in 1932 the world's first Arbor Day ticket issue, the picture of 2 children in tree planting.
1979 年 2 months, China's Fifth National People's Congress Standing Committee ambition be the sixth meeting decided ashore March 12 each annual as Arbor Day in China.
3 月 22 World Water Day
1993 年 1 18, the forty-seventh United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to determine the annual March 22 as Week 22 to 28, the coincidence of time to make more famous campaign the Dennis. Hayes initiated and mobilized along environmental protection activities, as Xinghuoliaoyuan. throughout the United States a aggregate of more than 2000 people attended, about 10,shanghai massage,000 schools, 2,000 colleges and universities and the country's important teams heeded the event, which day became the first Earth Day.
1972 National Conference on Human Environment held in Stockholm, United Nations Environment Programme was established in 1973, after the government environmental protection agencies and unions increasing international, have played a Earth Day essential character. So Earth Day has chance a global accident, China since 1990,toronto escort, held every year to commemorate Earth Day campaign.
5 月 22 Day International Day for Biological Diversity
Convention of life on Earth billions of years behind the outcome of evolutionary development, but also the substance basis of human survival.
5 月 31 Day World No Tobacco Day
1987 World Health Organization on May 31 as from 113 countries, government representatives and personal individuals to the earth of contemporary environmental issues and strategies to protect the universal context issues in the dispute, formulated the ;, made 7 of 26 prevalent vision and common principles apt inspire and guide folk approximately the globe to maintain and enhance the person surroundings, and suggested namely the General Assembly's prologue day as the In October,namely very classic brandy country, the 27th United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on June 5 as the Day Global 500, 100 million human an mean of 7 and a half years; 1964 to 1974 phase of lofty population growth in China, from 7 million to 900 million, one addition of 1 billion people each in fair 5 years; reform and opening up 20 years, with the blueprint fertility plan implementation, an increase of 1 billion people each time was amplified to 7 years, China's population of more than .1981 10 billion, extra than 1.1 billion in 1988, exceeded 1.2 billion in 1995, the end of 1998 was 1.248 billion, representing the world's population 21%.
6 月 17 World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
the serious consequences of desertification and the expansion of the trend, causing great care of the international community, in the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, prevention Desertification is listed as the international community to give priority places for operation, the General Assembly built the Convention, 17 as billion in 1974 to 40 billion to 50 billion in 1987.
years since the United Nations from 1988 to July 11 each year as br> 9 月 16 Day International Ozone Layer Protection Day
1987 年 9 16, 46 countries signed the Montreal, Canada, the Day aims to raise awareness of people to protect the ozone layer, and to take premeditated action to protect the global environment and human health.
10 月 4 Day World Animal Day
Italian missionary St. Francis had 100 years ago Advocacy in the Oct. 4 1 of environmental protection. China started from the 1997 anniversary of the increasingly short afford. Since 1981, the daily October 16 was appointed as , seafood, vegetables and fruit makes it an extremely rich edible as the sensibilities of constant downplay. Perhaps few people know thattoday mmm10 16 namely World Food Day, and maybe numerous people do not care about the what impact they are,toronto escorts, yet the food in the world namely the fast population growth as increasingly in short afford, we have to reiterate the topic of food.

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