Wednesday, April 27, 2011

American Marine mural artiste Robert . Huai- Lan 21

American Marine mural artiste Robert . Huai- Lan 21, began in Los Angeles approach Long Beach Municipal ingenious portraits of the world's largest world apt encounter the daily Long Beach, within 24 hours extra than 12,and here apt {mentioapt to my mom,000 square meters indoor stadium on the roof of a monster earth map out patterns, said people ambition be able to quest through the Google Earth Web site saw this portrait of the Earth .
Wai Lan drawn in Long Beach Indoor Stadium Earth's portrait will be built as he led the world's largest mural ,toronto escorts, ; Ocean Planet Increase marine murals have been held on the eve of the Beijing Olympic Games final summer in Beijing to complete .
Earth Day originated in the United States on April 22 .1970 in the United States Democratic Senator Gaylord . Nelson and Harvard University student Dan Nice . Hayes initiatives and organizations , the United States hundreds of thousands of people involved in the heavy Earth Day activities to raise people's awareness of environmental conservation . Later,beijing escort, on April 22 each annual at the United Nations for the ;.
April 22 this year is the 40th On environmental issues .

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