Thursday, April 28, 2011

with a 21-year-old autistic son

Have not tried this long, long time, because the film kept to tears!
also known as autistic disarray, and we children accustom to call them stars, meaning the son of the stars!
scientifically speaking, they are due to mutations guide to congenital disorders are nothing to do with the day after morrow rearing, but also in the orthodox sense narrate the persona of the provision lonely is not the same notion of self-closing!
the diagnosis must meet the emulating characteristics: language barriers, repetitive stereotyped campaigns, and interpersonal barriers!
but I tend to think of romantic love that they are foreign to the children, because the universe is too crowded planet inadvertently ran out into the people world, from the beginning in array to survive in the earth a long and laborious quest for knowledge of life on Earth!
Ocean heaven is about this story:
s scene: that only 3 months of their lives Wang Xincheng (Jet Li) with a 21-year-old autistic son, Tai Fook (article) jumped into the sea suicide hh (where it is so real wording of China's new tall school age children with autism training prices, the status of mature nowhere to go, the administration no matter, civilian money can not control, all the pressure on aggregate pressure in the parent body, which is why Wang Xincheng know dying and elect reasons of decease together with his son!) < br> positive: Tai Fook good water-based, not proceeds Yanwang Ye, Wang Xincheng only son behind to real life, for his son's living arrangements after death and escape approximately with, orphanages, nursing homes, welfare institutions, personal preservation organizations, At the same time and even tugged hh cerebral ill and struggling to teach Tai Fook some basic life skills, and even play with the sea turtles swim to attach Tai Fook, a Tai Fook dad kept instilling l will chance the future of sea turtles have been there for you afterward to rhh Tai Fook to find fashionable home during the day can not be separated in massive aquarium as detergents Fu, Wang Xincheng before his death at home there and the implementation of community concern of the Friends of hh. Finally, when the film ends Tai Fook mm happily in the water with the incarnation of the father turtles around, has been happily nestled hh
soaring approximately a hundred minutes of video, from a partition of a very ordinary very small details of life latch spit posture!
for autism has been engaged in a full four-year rehabilitation For me, a lot of chips have all seen a similar pro-mesh plots, it is effortless to understand this corridor to express what? that phase in the whole film you want to play what character?
and then when tears while preoccupied For you who do not understand autism, after this film will feel?
very moved, I feel very locked spit?
very boring?
very heavy?
is I do not know goes?
or heart finally left a l Oh, autism is like this! r
a lot of people see the focus is another, indeed love their parents should be complimented, but for me, the scene of the father's not particularly amazing for the past four years have seen so many children with autism and their parents, every parents for their children r l star out of a similarly negate!
film Jet Li plays the father said, son, go together with dad!
then played with the son of Tai Fook article jumped off the sea!
also in real life I heard the words: I hope he will live to do so, you can dead before me!
what variety of location, the parents pray their children will not be too long-lived?
or at least a parent also has impair your parents love you, you, in the film can not understand this deep sadness?
If you see this film in a theater while you laugh, not because of the small cute Tai Fook , but ascertain it very funny, please excuse yourself you do not!
early as final year has been a teacher in the stars say that the rain, stars Jet Li One Foundation to donate a million rain and will be zero-fee of the participating author of the Stars and Rain son with autism the anecdote of the film modeled!
was very wondered how powerful enterprises Jet Li fans, this film will have a number of people who know our autism!
So look at this film, I think the cardinal is not father of the great!
want to see is that this film you can not understand autism and what kind of information?
autism can not let you know , at least in my mind to leave this sentence: So is this autism?
our hundreds of thousands of Tai Fook r l do not want much, just need your knowledge and understanding of their cognitive aboriginal mm Autism is like this, forgive them because not only do not understand!
rules of culture and the Earth too many and too intricate, much the same as they have to learn slowly, and how complicated!
film again Wang Xincheng to educate Tai Fook's dozen eggs, boiled eggs, use the money to buy things, mopping the layer, opened the door, put the keys,shanghai escort, etc., all to reinstate the true perception of the difficulties of the autistic child!
In truth, in reality, Most autistic people are learning the digit of times to repeat the round many more than the film much, merely may not learn entire his life with the fitting money to buy the suitable way entities hh
talk about is that many people have queried me how you take a child with autism's?
read this video, you can probably understand what my job was!
other to talk about some of the video clips:
(1) Tai Fook stop swinging on the hand: This is one of the legendary traits of autism and some of the stereotyped action, first and foremost would be a detriment because of the visual function resulting from self-visual wage for compelled, then it becomes a self-safety and solace for the stereotyped action!
some time, I regularly learn of some of these kid actor action that is often re-re-repeat an action, you tin earn a strange rule out all the distractions favor discomfort, by colleagues after diagnosis, I self-recovery is also a nice high-functioning autism, Khan!
also had said, the film sent to nursing families and father to his son later that night, stood in the rank of blessing constantly stop to look by Tai Fook his viewpoint into the dog's picture on TV, and later judged to take the dog put Tai Fook no longer intervene in the behavior of television, and I also have in prevalent behavior by!
by the time ambitioning to stand up to their perspective to see whether they see the globe, many of them act very strange in the eyes of the earth, but there reasons as its subsistence!
Zifei Yu, how can we know the fish is happy, it probably manner that!
(2) Wang Xincheng three times repeatedly to the big dog on the Welfare on the TV close up, on the couch, and repeating the, Tai Fook Yeah, dogs can not be put on television every day hundred, Tai Fook is still on television every day, put the dog,shenzhen escort, because that dog is the position of the premier unlock on TV This is also autistic stereotyped behavior, someone firm place!
but this elaborate is not only to the performance specifics of their autism, but echoes the heart of the city after the death of the king later, Tai Fook replaced his position to help him repeated acts of his lifetime ---- Tai Fook those habitually another on the television dog in the front of the suddenly memorized, and then learn that my father took the dog down from the TV into a sofa!
this behavior is the extravaganza of nailed prototype of autism, very cleverly deliver a message to Tai Fook, anything has changed, life remains the same,ended the joke, my father still!
for the phone rings, Ling-Ling is still the turtle in the surf side, my father would never leave hh
see here, the tears Hurricane!
(3) in the aquarium, Tai Fook holding several table tennis, is not clamoring for Ken returned to acting and anxiety about curse out his acrobatic workers rushed to hug his father, his father suddenly hold piercing cry, which is where my point of tears, a hurricane! < br> may be we do not very know why he suffers for table tennis for a few like this, I'm not sure the adviser was trying to convey is not a huge blessing because I think table tennis is the only post he adored with the Ling-Ling, but I'm pretty sure His grievance stems from his piercing idea he can not properly express the thoughts, which can not let other people to encounter this demand of his, but also the staff of tantrum frightened, why we have such a scene and wail some Nuhan prodigious!
This is a big obstacle to autism, language dysfunction!
they can not properly express this are thinking, can not be what we know, which can not meet the their needs, or even misunderstood coerced, a lot of problem behavior, wounding or are resulting from the harm!
they are so clean and transparent children, all of the bad behavior because we earthlings ignorance do not know what caused them!
(4) in nursing homes and rage, because they can not express my father's miss and the staff in nursing homes can not adopt to alteration his slumber pattern strip, I think of our kin who Yiu Shing had a similar experience, tears Hurricane!
(5) Tai Fook his father wanted to teach bus, the car drove off, get off at Tai Fook do not know, my father rushed to the Tai Fook engaged shriek down the bus flight assistant said impatiently, I have said hundreds of times, no one in front off, why did not he say that hh
beneath moderate father has slowly gone Nuhan front, it is because some human do not know you speak apt him hh
see here, I did not shed tears, and my heart is very acid very acid!
I have a lot of alike experiences, with children out to play, in the bus,beijing massage, the children suddenly and Repeat hundred a noisy, pee, pee hh Deng teachers to walk in front of other small children knocked down by a hh has also been put amenable to someone else's foot is still jumping on the mattress in the along skipped accidentally hh but nothing like stepping on someone else to smile hh
cried so happy with many things, I am forever under the other's repercussion to the response, revealing only a mini surprised, I will patiently annotate the lightly I'm sorry I'm sorry , if it is against our children exposed meal rave or anxious, I will be ignoring the child's hand to hold leave to see who who hh
mad because I was not the parents, but teachers, I punish perverse ignorance can be shameless pedestrians, but the parents dissimilar in different places and at all, you can assume that such a large autism parents bear the burden in the same time, but also because of widespread ignorance of autism community to addition the number of heart burden?
thank Jet Li, so that more people international, no material what because of reason into the cinema, at fewest to realize that, oh, autism is so!
thank the treatise, then the expressive to activity an autistic people live, with his crown of Tai Fook derived from real medalist deserved, in my four years to go off, that article, Tai Fook impeccable, amuse look this article of you with me with the so-called vocational commentators who bypass the article questioned the excellent congratulating!
thank the rain at the stars who volunteer for 14 years has eventually written a good car so the script author!
also must mention is, Tai Fook really elated, the call rang, Lingling still, the dog shook from the sofa in the television, the father still, sea turtles swim from the side, my father never left hh
Tai Fook very happy!
thousands of welfare are not so big to be lightly satisfied and happy, at the peak of those of us who understand that they fair do not know the Earth and is not for by the time we can understand can assist to fulfill his father said hh
, Tai Fook, dad gone, you'll miss me, right? I'll miss you hh
I am also very often with children who must leave, said Mr Deng is gone, you'll miss me, right? < br> I will miss you, miss my Yangyang with me lying on the table to hide after the achievement of bees, pointing me laugh, ha ha, Deng teachers afraid ......< br> I miss my Yao Sheng, creature there at my side smiling his way saying, Deng teacher if you could not go ......< br> miss help me cry seeing cried installed, will not die, Deng teacher You do not cry ......< br> I miss each day, agreeable, but the day I left, lying on my shoulder would not let the small text political ......< br> miss that only willing to let me no choice but to close just laugh at me Ma Tianyu ......< br> I am thinking of all the meet and then separate with handsome handsome star children who ......< br> I will miss you, you will miss me,shanghai massage, right?
another: limited working experience, expertise is limited, some locations may not appropriate to say, hope forgive me, but not discourage all basic autism Cognitive!

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