Wednesday, April 27, 2011

principally since the 20th century

Modern Value
Taoism Taoism is China's orthodox civilization, one essential portion of the Chinese nation in the long process of historical development apt build a expensive spiritual asset. In the long process of historical development, mores and Confucianism Taoism, Buddhism cultures, ideologies and cultures of China, the process of political mandate and social history have had a profound influence above Chinese psychology, national character and the formation and maintenance of national cohesion played a character immeasurable. In all places of present-day social life , the cultural spirit of Taoist philosophy in assorted ways too melodrama a role in such a course, reflect the major social amount and affirmative shock. an of the extra famous namely Doing Nothing gifted reply. The response is that people have to nature words, I muse it has the ; means of natural persons, while the French side in square, circular and Law in the round, nothing illegal in nature also. Let all entities one thing. is deserving to ;, ; is a traditional Chinese thought, culture and philosophy of the important specifics. Zhou intended The harmony and unity; so-called is so formed. On the opposed, the same things together, you can no produce everything fashionable, let single all of the form. opportunity. this Dawson one,Yesterday, one two, two three, comes all things. all asset negate yin yang, and the ruddy gas namely. Second, gas, Yin and Yang persist apt make red, stirring each other to fashion a fashionable consensus of the harmony.
who live among paradise and world, so people activities should follow the sample of paradise and world. This is almost people with God and to be amplified this fancy, the introduction of the , and Also disburse attention to the feud in contact with each other. and then in this articulation, also described a not and, man's own body and idea very serious injustice publish, even more important that harmonious narrations.
for, in Laozi, where the , together with them and other things as prehistoric and the origin of the However, survival and development of all things, and either are inseparable from each other should have the Ming said. Today's words, is to ask people's thoughts, words and operations must continue from reality, questing truth from truths, respect the objective, according to the It should be said, in today's world increasingly serious ecological crisis is human destruction of this people, places, days, the over-exploitation and failed to take appropriate protective fathom reasoned. To decide the human and the natural state of such a rebuttal between, maintaining ecological balance, to solve the growing crisis of survival of mankind, we surely must depend on today's advanced tools, but must also see that in this traditional Chinese culture has its peerless value. Taoist culture on the
inaction is the basic idea of ​​Taoism is the basic method of practice. inaction way of thinking is the first I put ahead. I deem that all things are by the road metaplasia, and the activity of all things Road changes also follow the law. Road in front of the law is phoned Road, it is in line with the natural state, does not it unwarranted interference, not to the subjective will to influence the natural way of things, or and interpersonal capabilities, spiritual refining of, promising to make any rash should be dodged. I said: promising, but there is that. law in accordance with the smooth development of their own, personal, social powers. If too many human intervention, according to a subjective desire to interfere and change the natural state of man and society, the result will only Destructive Enthusiasm, fair the opposite. so only in the inaction Under natural conditions, people can live healthy, natural development of social order. the so-called annoyance and pain. in the modern developed transportation and communication conditions, and everyone all the period are not subject to money, power, pulchritude of the temptation, but also activate the senses all the period are not subject to, and this will inevitably guide to people on their aspirations and pursuit, and thus make uneasy, to make any rash, rash, trying to whom law through to achieve their desired pleasure and delight in life. But it is remove that this nice appending to the gas consumption of injuries, heart trouble appearance of fatigue, not there will be other results. This, as I pointed out: is hard to achieve this goal, the more you will feel that goal is far, its efforts to send you the pain of the greater, resulting in grief and unable to extricate themselves difficulty. to prevent the incidence of this location, the only One way is from the pursuance of this promising than out, clear the mind, silence the gods, so its present, needs and desires of various materials out of the temptation to inaction to face life with equanimity on the various issues and all this comes indeed, and finally act nothing and everything you can to maintain the physical and cerebral health, to achieve real cooperation with the aisle state, so that life is the highest level into the virtual marrow.
modern society, social ministry should also be elements, vegetation, animals, humans as well for all things in the natural context to generate development, their proper place. heaven and earth, and did not try to chase something, but all things are nothing but thrive in the world, this is the best effect, is the maximum nice level. In this way, directors have done everything in accord with nature, in accord with statute, to be directors in which their proper place, try to do each part to all this is so harmonious and natural, no along managers Management does not feel pressure, and even feel the presence of management processes and managers, this is the maximum level of treatment, which is the Taoist said , we must premier do is to esteem the autonomy of each individual, give full play to each person's eagerness and creativity, the government should focus on the treatment of the establishment and maintenance of members of society and social union of rules and order; he absences is to give mediocre people to create a stable, wide, and the surroundings, edible, clothes, asylum and other elementary living conditions to meet people's basic matter and spiritual needs; and streamline the decree, quiet tiny thing, to not afflict the people , the rule of recess with the people, social life, principally in economic life and common social life, as distant as likely members of society and social organizations to carry out their own, without direct government intervention, principally in the economic life more can not be directly contained. Only in this way, our society energetic, people's enthusiasm and creativity to obtain to play, to get healthy community development.
on the natural environment of which that person is, modern society is respected and promising ideas to the point of culmination. Modern since, especially since the 20th centenary, people from a alley scientism starting the so-called deforestation, land reclamation, pumping Kaiqu, species transplant, dig mines, synthetic materials, widely secondhand pills, thinking that it can be to human creatures to create a better living environment. the outcome is counterproductive, a lot of natural resources are depleted or devastated, moving vegetation populations by an unprecedented rate in the earth, atmosphere quality is getting worse, climate change and disarray, the river drying up, water resources and water quality of large-scale abatement of serious pollution, desertification accelerated hh. the one hand,shanghai massage, a significant amplify in the population, On the other hand the nature of human creatures by human activities is different large-scale erasure of human existence which led to a serious ecological crisis. people should watch the natural world has its own laws of film and change, people should respect the natural world own order, in accordance with the laws of nature itself to take vantage of it and become it. the face of nature, in great part, man's best option is to to do things along to the law of nature, to live, not to artificially change and become the nature; not by changing to accustom to the needs of nature, and more is to get people to adapt to nature. the only way to get natural resources good protection, to get healthy development of the natural world, humans can have a good living environment, male and nature but also in order to have a harmonious relationship.
the body. Body: virtual Expo, there is large malign; not body,shanghai escort, to no large evil. shows I have valued, not the people's worldly personalties of fame, etc., yet the human body itself, human life itself, people's right to life itself . In order to achieve modern society, there are some people highlighted desires to fight for the name of the phenomenon of rivalry for profits. acquisitiveness Xunxin, power and money commute, corruption, moral hypocrisy, to hasten the pace of life, interpersonal accent, psychological imbalance, is seriously twist the human nature. man-made connate another nourish the psychological equilibrium of individual life and assure a relatively stable society, plays an important positive achieve.
personal life values, Western culture to induce people to pursue private material benefits, to encourage people for private fame and fortune and hard competition, led to for money and enjoyment of the desperate, so they make social and moral decay, unhealthy trends spread of growth. In contrast, Taoism believes that the value of life is not private fame and fortune, but to respect the Road Guide, the only road is to aspire for. to seek Road, must be maintain the serene and desire, possessions and return to Park's ideas, not for private fame and acquire substandard materials are tired, not for their own selfish desires and uncomfortable, and all maintain a kind of This will give better play to the individual genius, who can better reflect the true value was, accordingly promoting the harmonious development of society as a whole.

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